Ezekiel Chever 2, no. George Burrough (1579-1653), rector of . How soon it will be our portion wee know not. Burroughs was carried in a cart with the others, through the streets of Salem to execution. Mercy Lewis Wee comand you all Excuses set apart to be & personaly app'r at the Next Court of Oyer & Terminer held at Salem on the first Tuesday in August Next There to Testify the Truth on certain Indictments to be Exhibited against George Burroughs & not depart the Court without lycense or leave of s'd Court hereof fail not On penalty of One hundred pounds money to be levied on your Goods Chattels &ca Dated in Salem July 26'th 1692. In 1674, Burroughs moved to Falmouth, Maine where he served as the pastor at the Falmouth Congregational Church. 2, no. by me 137: John Willard Executed August 19, 1692, SWP No. His second wife was Sarah Ruck Hathorne, and they had four children. After he was killed, Cotton Mather, a minister from Boston, reminded the crowd from atop his horse that Burroughs had been convicted in a court of law, and spoke convincingly enough that four more were executed after Burroughs. Sus: [one line too faint] George Burroughs moved to Maine, to serve the church in Wells. On December 17, 1711, the Burroughs family was awarded 50 in restitution. The girls testifying against him said that his first two wives and the wife and child of his successor at Salem Churchvisited as specters and accused Burroughs of killing them. 15. George Burroughs was the only Puritan minister indicted and executed in Salem in 1692. and an Indian that comes with her for the flore is all covered with blod.then the said mary and abigaill looked out of dores & said they saw a greet company of them one a hill & there was three of them lay dead the black woman & the indian & one more that they knew not This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Your research is so interesting and I appreciate all your hard work. Jurat in Curia, ( Withcraft Papers, 11a, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA., Boston, MA., Boston. dreadfull & tedious fit, 3. Mercy Lewis, who lost relatives in one of the attacks on Falmouth, fled to Casco Bay, with a group that included Burroughs and her parents. ), Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen pr'sents That George Burroughs late of Falmouth w'thin the province of the Mattathusets Bay in New England Clerke -- The Ninth Day of May -- in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of Eng- land Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith &c Diver other Days and times as well before as after, certaine Detestable Arts called wicthcraft & Sorceries -- wickedly and feloniously hath used Practiced & Exercised at and within the Township of Salem in the County of Essex & aforesaid, in Upon & ag't one Elizabeth Hubbard of Salem in the County of Essex Singlewoman -- by which said wicked Arts the said Elizabeth Hubbard the Ninth Day of May -- in the fourth Year aboves'd and Divers other Days and Times as well before as after.was.and is Tortured afflicted Pined Consumed wasted and Tormented.also for Sundrey other Acts of witchcrafts by Said George Burroughs .Committed and done ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne and dignity and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made & Provided: white calf in his house. Salem.Aug't 5'th 1692. Zeb Hill Jurat Mary Warren, ( Essex Institute Collection, no. Due to Burroughss role as a religious leader, it was theorized that he was recruited by the Devil so he could use his influence to convince his parishioners to become witches. One eye witness to the execution, Robert Calef, described the event in his book More Wonders of the Invisible World: Mr. Nathaniel Ingersoll and five others paid a 15 pound bond to keep Burroughs out of prison and also collected depositions in his favor. Because the executions took place during a heat wave, the bodies had to be buried immediately in a shallow grave at the execution site to prevent them from rotting. After the Trials Salem Village , this 21'st of April, 1692 Much honored: 173: Reversal of Attainder and Restitution (1710 - 1750). Thank you for the research. Family history states that we are related to John Burroughs from northern VA. At some point during this time period, Burroughss second wife, Sarah, died and Burroughs remarried again. More Wonders of the Invisible World. My husband descends from George Burroughs through the Virginia line of John Burroughs. *Jonathan Corwin { Assis'ts, M[emoran]d[um]. Jno. He died in August 1974 at 57 years old. The Lord in mercy fit us for death and direct the hearts and hands to act and doe what is most needful in such a time of distress as this. *Geo. George Perry Floyd Jr. (October 14, 1973 - May 25, 2020) was an African-American man who was murdered by a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during an arrest made after a store clerk suspected Floyd may have used a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill, on May 25, 2020. This was near enough the border with French Canada that the threat of French and Indian war parties was real. [2] He was raised by his mother in the town of Roxbury, Massachusetts. *Thomas putnam 2, no. Death of his wife & Lawson's Childe, ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. Death . He was hanged on 19 August 1692 at Gallows Hill, Salem, Essex . and know nothing of it myself otherwise except by common report of others also concerning such things.. She is the first causality of the Salem witch trials. 3. In 1711, the Massachusetts legislature passed a law to clear the names of the convicted witches and offered restitution to the survivors and their families if they came forward. 4, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA., Boston, MA..), Anno Regis et Reginae Willim et Mariae nunc: Angliae &c Quarto, Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen pr'sents That George Burroughs late of falmouth in the province of the Massachusets Bay in New England -- Clarke -- The ninth Day of May in the forth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith &c and Divers other Dayes and times, as well before as after certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts and Sorceries. To Capt William Worwood Greeting. The idea that the Devil may have infiltrated the church terrified the people of Salem and made Burroughss trial one of the most significant trials in the witch hysteria. After the examination, Burroughs was indicted on four charges of witchcraft and was brought back to the dungeon at the Salem jail. Profile of Elizabeth How, Persecuted Salem Witch, Tituba and The Salem Witch Trials of 1692, Biography of Elizabeth Parris, Accuser in the Salem Witch Trials, Sarah Cloyce: Accused in the Salem Witch Trials, John Alden Jr. and the Salem Witch Trials, History of Witches Signing the Devil's Book, M.Div., Meadville/Lombard Theological School. Mercy Lewis's uncle, Thomas Skilling, died from an injury brought on by the Indian attack. Lewis, Jone Johnson. The pop star was suffering from. The next day, Margaret Jacobs recanted her testimony against both Burroughs and her grandfather, George Jacobs, Sr. As with the others executed, he was cast into a common, unmarked grave. 022: George Burroughs Executed, August 19, 1692, SWP No. Rates were not collected, and his salary was in arrears.. Burroughs (Reverse), ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. George Burroughs. putnam aged 40: years and Edward putnam agged 38 years who testifieth and saith. Elisha Hutchinson, a magistrate there, issued the proper order, addressed to John Partridge in Portsmouth, Field-marshal of the provinces of New Hampshire and Maine, dated April 30, 1692, to arrest George Burroughs, preacher at Wells; he being suspected of a confederacy with the devilWhen we consider the distance and the circumstances of travel at that time, it is evident that the officers charged with the service acted with the greatest promptitude, celerity, and energy. His great grandma was Nora Burroughs (Armistead) from New Point, Mathews, Virginia. While most ministers were public figures, open and engaged with their community, Burroughs was an intensely private individual and a man of mystery. As one of the succession of three ministers who left the Village . Some in town thought he might be the "dark man" spoken of in many of the accusations. On August 19, George Burroughs, George Jacobs, John Proctor, John Willard, and Martha Carrier, were brought by cart to the execution site at Proctors Ledge, near Gallows Hill, where a large crowd, which included Reverend Cotton Mather, had gathered to watch the event. II, p. 42. Its not clear why Greenlit or the other witness felt compelled to testify against Burroughs long after he had already been tried and executed but it suggests that the community may have begun to doubt Burroughss guilt, particularly after the events of his execution, and Greenlit may have been pressured to testify to provide further proof of this alleged guilt. I suppose a dozen of them. SWP No. The Lewis family then moved to Salem, and when Falmouth seemed safe, moved back. Upham, Charles (1980). 094: Rebecca Nurse Executed July 19, 1692, SWP No. 2, no. s'd gun was about or near seven foot barrill:and very hevie: I then tryed to hold out s'd gun with both hands: but could not do it long enough to take sight On April 30, 1692, several of the girls of Salem leveled accusations of witchcraft at George Burroughs. Burroughs was moved to Boston jail. He experienced significant heart failure in 2005. Eliz. He was bid to look upon sus: sheldon. Startled, Ruck stated that even the Devil himself didnt know what she said, to which Burroughs replied My God makes known your thoughts unto me.. In 1690, Burroughs moved to Wells, Maine where he continued to preach. An arrest warrant was issued for Burroughs that day in Portsmouth, NH and was ordered to be carried out by Major Elisha Hutchinson and Field Marshal Jonathan Partridge. & Burroughs, ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem - Witchcraft, vol. His failure to baptise his children or to attend communion was also used as evidence of his guilt. 1689: Benjamin Holton dies in Salem Village, and the doctor attending cannot identify a cause of death. 28. If anyone is interested in any of these historical groups you can contact me. She was the youngest of six siblings, and had three sisters, Mary (1644-1695), Sarah (1646-1716), and Hannah (1652-1698), and two brothers, Andrew (1657 . To the Constable of Manchester August 4'th I have Sumoned the above named that thay and Each of them att time and place above written by me *John Ley, (Reverse) A Summons for Thomas Greinslit Sepr. 167: Petitions from Relatives of Prisoners and Others (October 1692 - January 1693), SWP No. Exclude: Great Migration Magna Carta Royalty. On May 3, 1683, Burroughs visited Salem Village to meet with the village committee in order to settle his accounts. lock & rested it upon his breast Burroughs accepted the offer and relocated to Salem Village. Summary George Burroughs was born on June 18, 1923, and died at age 31 years old in July 1954. I told him itt did not belong to mee, and I was not willing to medle or make with itt, then s'd King sayd are you not a Christian if you are a Christian goe [&] see him and discourse with him, but I told him I did beleive it did not belong to such as I was to discourse him he being a Learned man. Below is the original account as first compiled and published in 1700 by Robert Calef in More Wonders of The Invisible World, and later reprinted or relied upon by others including Charles Wentworth Upham and George Lincoln Burr: Mr. Burroughs was carried in a cart with others, through the streets of Salem, to execution. The doctor, who is in his early 30s, earned his medical degree from the University of Minnesota Medical School in 2016 and had received his physician and surgeon license just 18 days before May 25,. Burroughs was born in Suffolk, England in 1652 and migrated to the settlement of Roxbury in the Massachusetts Bay Colony with his mother when he was a child, although some sources say he first lived in Virginia before moving to Roxbury. The manner of death was deemed to be homicide. 037: Giles Corey Pressed to Death, September 16, 1692, SWP No. I, Wiggin and Lunt, 1867.Roach, Marilynne K. The Salem Witch Trials: A Day-by-Day Chronicle of a Community Under Siege. ), The Testimone of Mary Warren aged twenty yeares or thereaboutes Testifeyeth and saith that Sometime in July last mr Burrougs pinched mee very much and choaked me almost to death: and I saw and hard him sound a Trumpett and Immediatly I saw severall com to him as namely Capt Allding Mis Cary and goody pudeater and severall others and they urged me to goe along with them to their sacremental meeting and mr Burroughs brought to me bread to eat and wine to drink which I Refuseing he did most greviously torment me urging me vehemently to writ in his book: also I have seen mr George Burroughs or his Apperance most greviously tormenting mary walcott and Ann putnam and I verily beleve in my heart that Mr. George Burroughs is a dreadfull wizzard and that he has severall times tormented me and the affore said persons by his acts of wicthcraft, Mary Warrin declared: upon: her oath; to the Jury of Inquest that the above written & he told me his name was borrous, Then he tooke a booke out of his pocket: & opened it.& bid me set my hand to it I tould him I would not: the lines in this book was read as blod; then he pinched me twise & went away: The next morn- ing.he apeared to me againe.and tould me he was above a wizard; for he was a conjurar and so went away but sins that he hath apeared to me every day & night very often and urged me very much to set my hand to his book: and to run a way telling me if I would do so I should be well & that I should need feare no body: & withall tor- mented me severall ways every time he Came exept that time he told me he was a conjuror: This night he asked me very much to set my hand to his book or else he sayed he would kill me; withall tortoring me very much by biting and pinching squesing my body and runing pins into me also on the: 9'th may 1692 being the time of his examination mr George Burroughs or his Apperance did most greviously afflect and torment the bodyes of Mary Walcott mercy lewes Ann putnam and Abigail williams for if he did but look upon them he would strick them down or almost choak them to death also severall times sence he has most dreadfully afflected and tormented me with variety of torments and I beleve in my heart that mr George Burroughs is a dreadfull wizzard and that he has often tormented me and also the above named parsons by his acts of wicthcraft Jurat in Curia, Eliz Hubbard.declared:the above written evedence:to be the truth: upon her oath:that she had taken.this she owned before the Jury of inquest: Aug'st 3 1692, ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. He looked back & knockt down all (or more) Though there was a widely held belief that a true witch could not recite the Lord's Prayer, Burroughs did so, astounding the crowd. Being ask'd w[hether] he partook of the Lords supper, he being (as Thomas putnam, Ann putnam ownid this har testimomy to be the truth uppon har oath.before the Juriars of Inquest this: 3. dy of agust 92, (Reverse) Ann putnam Cont 140163, 296-304, 319, 480, 482, 514. The tradition is, that they found Mr. Burroughs in his humble home, partaking of his frugal meal; that he was snatched from the table without a moments opportunity to provide for his family, or prepare himself for the journey, and hurried on his way roughly, and without the least explanation of what it all meant.. However, the relationship with Salem would be tumultuous due to the town often not paying his wages. 23. Contra Geo her, that he had made her set her hand to He then moved to Wells, Maine, believing it would be safer from Indian attacks. Deliberance Hobbs {testimony read *Step. Online Pennsylvania Death Certificates and Death Records Indexes. Rev. Thus in haste I commit you to Providence of our Lord God and desire Your prayers also for us. "[citation needed], Letters dated to 1691 from the Littlefields, founder of Wells, Maine, and in-laws to Peter Cloyce, and Rev. Updated: November 13, 2011 . 095: Sarah Osborne Died in Prison, May 10, 1692, SWP No.