Also among the city dwellers, there are those who are accustomed to hypocrisy [63:1] When the HYPOCRITES come to you they say, "We bear witness that you are the messenger of God." The man answered: I will not disobey you in anything. The companions of the Prophet were constantly tested with hardships one after the other. He came towards us and sat among us. That is also discussed in detail in the answers to questions no. Hassan Ibn Ali He was responsible for ending the first civil war and reuniting the ummah. They turned back on their heel". [2:8-15] Then there are those who say, "We believe in GOD and the Last Day," while they are not believers. We became silent and he said: "Carry on with what you were doing." While this reflects their uncalled for attachment to human beings like them, it also exposes a disbelief in the Quran that taught us that some of the Prophet's companions were good and some were bad. You can subscribe to get a weekly email with our recent articles. As we will see later the definition of the word "Sahaby" the singular form of "Sahaba", differs a great deal among the different scholars. If we will, we can expose them for you, so that you can recognize them just by looking at them. 'Ubayd Allah b. ". For the surname, see. All these hypocrites and wicked people witnessed the Prophet Muhammed and listened to him. Slovakia bans Islam as state religion , ensures no Mosques are built. Importance of the Sahaba He was named Abdul Rehman by the Prophet Muhammad . Abu Hurairah spent all his time accompanying Prophet Muhammad . Juwairiyyah Bint Al-Harith She was known for spending most of her time inSalah and Dhikr. He said, "Listen, the son of my brother, You do not know what we invented after him. The camp's fire was out due to violent wind and the whole area was enveloped in darkness. Zainab Bint Khuzayma She was known for her generosity and passed away two years after marrying the Prophet (pbuh). The most famous of the Sahaba who has cited an approximate of 5300 traditions from Prophet Muhammad is Abu Hurairah. We have chosen a few of the Sahabah and mentioned some events from their blessed lives for the purpose of encouragement and cultivation of Islamic teachings in our everyday lives. He was a witness over them during his lifetime; he saw their sacrifices and their sincere resolve, and he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) spoke immortal words of the honour of his companions and his love for them. [33:18-19] GOD is fully aware of the hinderers among you, and those who say to their comrades, "Let us all stay behind." [33:60] Unless the hypocrites, and those with disease in their hearts and the vicious liars of the city (Medina) refrain (from persecuting you) we will surely grant you the upper hand, then they would not be your neighbors within a short while. "companions"; sing. Rashidun | History, Caliphs, & Facts | Britannica The companions are the people who lived and witnessed the Prophet Muhammed. As expected form the hypocrites and the disbelievers, they were very disturbed by what the Quran revealed about them. He was one of the several companions of Prophet Muhammad who learnt his manners under the Prophet's guidance. [9:47] Had they mobilized with you, they would have created confusion, and would have caused disputes and divisions among you. He continued to be a humble and simple person as he was before all the riches. We need to learn about them, love them, and emulate them. Allaah promised Paradise and eternal bliss to the Muhaajireen and Ansaar, and He stated that He is pleased with them in verses that will be recited until the Day of Resurrection. They died together in Yamama. Also killed by Abu Jahl. This is the best [for you], and best in the end. How will it be when a disaster hits them, as a You can also print them out and Put them on Wall or use [], Join TarteeleQuran to learn Quran online Get 10 Islamic Worksheets that can level up your childs spirituality only at $19 We have combined our bestselling Worksheets as a bundle and we are offering them at a huge discount. These are the real enemies; beware of them. Other children who narrated hadiths and accepted by Bukhary are Al-Nuaman Ibn Basheer (8 years old), Mahmoud Ibn Al-Rabee (5 years), Abdullah Ibn Al-Zubeer (9 years), Al-Hussein Ibn Ali (7 years), Al-Hassan Ibn Ali ( 8 years), Omar Ibn Aby Muslima ( 9 years)etc. One year later Marwaan made Abu Hurairah reiterate the traditions and to his surprise not a single word was wrong! He is also one of the five Sahabas who compiled the Quran under the supervision of Prophet Muhammad . Pakistani actress Anum Fayyaz has decided to quit showbiz industry and follow more of an Islamic lifestyle. Why would Umar (RA) disobey the prophet anyway? See 9:101. "Al-I`tiqad `ala Madhhab al-Salaf Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jama`a", by, Learn how and when to remove this template message, general involvement in military campaign with Muhammad, "A STUDY OF THE COMPANIONS OF THE PROPHET: GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRlBUTION AND POLITICAL ALIGNMENTS (1999)", "reviewing of the article "Companions of the Prophet" authored by linda L. Kim", "Muawiyah, Gerbang Kehormatan Sahabat (2)", "Companions of the Prophet in view of Quran and Imams", The Companions of the Prophet as seen by the Shi'a and the Sunnis, Sermons of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali b. Abi Talib, from,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking in-text citations from October 2022, Articles having different image on Wikidata and Wikipedia, Vague or ambiguous geographic scope from July 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 16 February 2023, at 15:08. He migrated to Syria afterwards and spent his life among expatriates as a teacher of Fiqh. [9:78] Do they not realize that GOD knows their secrets, and their conspiracies, and that GOD is the Knower of all secrets? GOD is fully aware of their innermost intentions. Another incident which justifies his excellent memory is once when Marwaan bin al Hakim wanted to test his ability to memorize and invited him over. This is because they broke their promises to GOD, and because of their lying. His personal disregard to the TRUE SAHABY (Companion) of the Prophet, Ali Ibn Abu Talib only reflects his misguidance and underachievements. One day he returned to Makkah from one of his trading journeys. Moreover, he was one of the Sahabas who migrated to Abyssinia with the second delegation. He told them something memorable, as they gathered around him "Beware of sedition". Whenever any male or female Muslim hears my name, they take a liking to me." Zaid Ibn Haritha Hechose to live with the Prophet (pbuh) over his own father. Abu Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah. However, these titles and high positions meant nothing to Abu Ubaida. * You should know that GOD's retribution is severe. He thus enrages the disbelievers. [9:73] O you prophet, strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be stern in dealing with them. Fathima Bint Asad She was the wife of Abu Talib and raised the Prophet (pbuh) after his grandfather passed away. GOD is Rich, while you are poor. [47:38] You are invited to spend in the cause of GOD, but some of you turn stingy. You God put in their way the truth, even in these books, so they have no excuse on the Last Day. Salmaan Al-Farsee He was a Persian who traveled in search of the truth. Al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Kifaayah (49): Even if there was nothing narrated from Allaah or His Messenger about them, the things that they did such as migrating (hijrah), engaging in jihad, supporting (the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and Islam), expending their lives and their wealth, killing their fathers and sons (in jihad), sincerely following the deen, believing strongly and with certainty, is definitive proof of their good character and sincerity, and shows that they are superior to all those sincere people of good character who come after them, for all time. She narrated many important Hadiths. [Men and Women around the Messenger, Khaalid Muhammad Khaalid, Dar Al Manarah. Nothing like what you describe happened, no one disobeyed the prophet at all. List of Sahaba - wikishia Safiyyah Bint Huyay She was the daughter of a Jewish Chief,and a descendant of Prophet Harun (AS). The most famous distribution of the Sahaba has been done by Hakim An Nisabori (a great scholar of Hadith) in his book Maarifatu ulum al Hadith". The Sealed Nectar -Prophet Muhammads SAW biography Free PDF, Fortress of Muslim -Book of Invocations Free Pdf. You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer), seeking Bounty from Allaah and (His) Good Pleasure. Thus he was called "Father of the kitten". Two of the rings of the Prophet's mail had penetrated his cheeks and he was bleeding. It had been a month of ongoing siege and the Sahabas had reached the highest level of hunger and cold. She is a certified international public speaker and speaks 3 languages with fluency. They turn back on their heel since you left them." See 25:30. Follow us in our Social media Profiles: (facebook @islamhashtag), (instagram @islamhashtag ) and (pinterest @islamhashtag ). NOTE: I did not write (RA) after each Sahabis name, asit is recommended to say it but not obligatory to write it. The verses quoted above, which speak of their virtue and give them the glad tidings of Paradise, cannot been abrogated by anything. So whatever theythink is good, is good before Allah, and whatever they think is bad, is bad before Allah. (Abdullah Ibn Masood). GOD is Omnipotent. Six Noble Qualities of Sahabah.Qualities iman of sahabah, in the six noble qualities, if we have six noble qualities, we will easy practice the perfect dien . The people in the house disagreed, and they argued. I cannot but hope to give the Sahaba their due of praise and merely made a reference to their eminence, their astonishing faith, their sacrifices, and the good cause they set for their lives. //]]>, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2023. "So my friend and I made a supplication to God before Abu Hurairah did and the Prophet began to say Ameen to our dua. 2. Zainab She was the Prophets eldest daughter and passed away during his lifetime. Finally, I warn you against the supplication of those who have been wronged or oppressed.". Your bro from Cape Town. They said, "Let us not mobilize in this heat!" 'Abd al-Muttalib, Ubayd Allah b. al-Abbas b. Abd al-Muttalib, Umm Kulthum Daughter of Prophet Muhammad (s), Al-Mughira b. al-Harith b. Abd al-Muttalib, Righteousness of the Companions of the Prophet (s),, Articles with quality and priority assessment, Articles with no priority and b grade quality. Pray during the night, but you must get some sleep. Hamza Ibn Abdul Mutallib -He was the uncle of the Prophet (pbuh). Dua. [9:24] Proclaim: "If your parents, your children, your siblings, your spouses, your family, the money you have earned, a business you worry about, and the homes you cherish are more beloved to you than GOD and His messenger, and the striving in His cause, then just wait until GOD brings His judgment." Anyone who turns back on his heels, does not hurt GOD in the least. According to another narration, Abu Hurairah - used to say, "By Allah! The sahabah (; lit. Consequently, GOD augments their disease. They should not be like the followers of previous scriptures whose hearts became hardened with time and, consequently, many of them turned wicked. Can anyone think that this would be given to one who does not deserve that bounty? She has been a learner of religion for the past 7 years and carries a Diploma degree in Arabic Language along with a graduate degree in Islamic Studies from Princess Noura Bint Abdul Rehman University, Saudi Arabia. There were more than 200 who reported hadiths from her. This is easy for GOD to do.". sahabi) were the companions of Prophet Muhammad. To witness the political corruption of Bukhary in reporting hadiths that would serve his views and please his masters (Abbasyeen then) is to witness the corruption that God described 6:112-113 in action. Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted says (interpretation of the meaning): And the foremost to embrace Islam of the Muhaajiroon and the Ansaar and also those who followed them exactly (in Faith). GOD will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection. Umar (RA) like others present there were not expecting the Prophet to die and simply considering this that the Prophet (SAW) is going through sick period and will get better soon. While some scholars consider "Sahaby", any one who just witnessed the Prophet, even once, and irrespective of his age others insist that such a person should be of adult age and should have at least two years of companionship of the Prophet. Who would accept to take his religion from these children ??!!!!! He would only speak when spoken to and whenever there was an ambiguous meaning, the Sahaba of Prophet Muhammad would turn to seek his legal instruction or judgment. follow only their opinions. While the true believers will be happy with the QURAN ALONE and the assurance of God in the Quran, the others will try to find an escape in the books that were never authorized by God, the books of Hadiths and Suuna. I hope that you can explain the virtue of the Sahaabah and what distinguishes them from others?. 99 Names of Allah for kids: Printable Colouring pages. They were commanded to reject such laws. Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah He was known as the trustworthy man of this ummah and was chosen to lead the Muslim armies by Umar Ibn Al-Khattab. Let us look at the definition by Bukhary; and reflect on its corruption; The Quran is full of the stories of the hypocrites and the wicked people of Medina where the Prophet lived who seen the prophet and listened to his message and his ceremonies and they cannot be considered his Sahaba (Companions) as Bukhary did; [9:101] Among the Aarabs around you, there are hypocrites. Definition of Sahaba: Anybody who met the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), believed in him and died a believer. Sahaba In Islam or Companions of Prophet Muhammad - AskIslamPedia They are mentioned in the Kitb-i-qn, the primary theological work of the Bah religion. They are too stingy with their wealth. They have incurred a painful retribution. When they are told, "Believe like the people who believed," they say, "Shall we believe like the fools who believed?" ", [8:25] "Beware of a retribution that may not be limited to the evildoers among you. Sad Ibn Ubadah He was the leader of the Khazraj tribe, and was appointed as the leader of the Ansaar. He has prepared for them Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise), to dwell therein forever. Hussain Ibn Ali He was known for his courage in standing upfor what he believed in. Sahih Bukhary; and Sahih Muslim, both reported that same Hadith: The messenger of God, talking to his companions, said, "On the Day of Judgment, some of my Umma (community) will be taken to the left, and I will say; "to where ?". In trying to deceive GOD and those who believe, they only deceive themselves without perceiving. The second quality which the Sahaba possessed was the quality of Solah with concentration and devotion. [49:14] The Aarabs said, "We are Mu'mens (believers)." The position that Bukhary took in elevating people who were hypocrites and wicked to the level of Sahaba by his corrupted definition helped nothing but to corrupt the book that he called SAHIH (Authentic). [9:97] The Aarabs are the worst in disbelief and hypocrisy, and the most likely to ignore the laws that GOD has revealed to His messenger. The Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (s), or aba (Arabic: ), are the title of those Muslims who met the Prophet (s) and believed in him until their demise. After attending his funeral, many of his students kept narrating the countless traditions of Prophet Muhammad that they learnt from him. Anas Ibn Malik The son of Umm Sulaim, he served the Prophet (pbuh) for ten years and never encountered a bad word from him. [43:78] We have given you the truth, but most of you hate the truth. The best are those who take from this and that.". He asked Abu Hurairah for some narration and secretly had a scribe write down whatever was being said. Allah has described this in His saying: "And those who come after them say: 'Our Lord! GOD is the One who is doing you a The expedition had no means of supplement except for a bag of dates. According to an observation in al-Qastallani's Al-Muwahib al-Ladunniyyah, an untold number of persons had already converted to Islam by the time Muhammad died. Zaid Ibn Al-Khattab He was the elder brother of Umar, converted to Islam before him, and was martyred at Yamama. Ikrimah Ibn Abi Hakam He was the son of Abu Jahl, and died a martyr at Yarmook. When one of the Sahaabah sinned by telling Quraysh that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was coming with the army during the year of the Conquest, and Umar ibn al-Khattaab wanted to execute him, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: He was present at Badr, and you do not know, perhaps Allaah looked upon the people of Badr and said: Do what you wish, for I have forgiven you. Narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim (2494). Author- Fahmina Jawed No of Pages- 40 What will the child learn: Basics of Islam Price FREE If you like the article consider sharing it. There is no guarantee or promise by God in these verses that these "Sahabas" would not make any mistakes, turn back on their heels or stay on the right path. They have been made Saints by the ignorant and traditional Muslims alike. Companion, disciple, scribe or family members of prophet Muhammad, "Sahabi" redirects here. Islam Q&A, The view of Ahl al-Sunnah towards the Sahaabah and the leadership of Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq, You can ask your question on the website via this link:, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in The Battle of Nahawaand concluded in Persian's overwhelming defeat due to his brilliant strategy. [m], The Bah Faith recognises the companions of Muhammad. 'Abbas b. [9:79] Those who criticize the generous believers for giving too much, and ridicule the poor believers for giving too little, GOD despises them. First Quality 1. (Migration To Madinah). QURAN IS VERY CLEAR about what happened to these "Sahaba" after Muhammed's death: [3:144] "Muhammad was no more than a messenger like the messengers before him. So God infuriates the disbelievers through them; God promises forgiveness and a great reward to those who believe and do righteous deeds.. The virtue of the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) [4:141] They watch you and wait; if you attain victory from GOD, they say (to you), "Were we not with you?" He expressed great regret at accepting Islam so late, and made up for it in Jihad. The Shia further argue that the righteousness of abah can be assessed by their loyalty towards Muhammad's family after his death and they accept hadith from the Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt, believing them to be cleansed from sin through their interpretation of the Quran[l] and the hadith of the Cloak. His teaching should be taken over any teaching of any scholar, Imam or Mulla. Companions of the Prophet - Wikipedia Wahshi He was a freed slave who was responsible for killing Hamza before becoming a Muslim, and accredited with killing the false prophet Musaylama after converting. Whatever sins or mistakes any of them may have made maybe overlooked in comparison to the honour of accompanying the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and they were forgiven and pardoned. God in the Quran told us about those who believe, then disbelieve then believe again then disbelieve, see 4:137, which reminds us that once you blessed with becoming a believer, there is not a guarantee that you stay a believer. 'Abd al-Muttalib, 'Abd al-Rahman b. faces they bear the marks of their prostrations. Furthermore, he was a man of strong character and intense loyalty. The Quranic Truth About the Prophet's Sahaba - Suhail Ibn Amr He was a dynamic speaker and initially a staunch enemy of Islam. A Sahabi is one who has met Prophet Muhammad , believed in what he preached and died as a Muslim. That is because Allaah has praised them in His Book and they were also praised by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) as is narrated in the books of Sunnah. The thing that distinguished him from the rest of the Sahabas was his ability to read faces and recognize evil. Khabbab ibn al-Aratt. The Quraish and their Jewish allies were outside Madina and Prophet Muhammad wanted one of his Companions to penetrate in the enemy camps and bring news of recent developments. ", [48:29] "Muhammad - the messenger of GOD - and those with him are harsh and stern against the disbelievers, but kind and compassionate amongst themselves. Once the crisis is over, they whip you with sharp tongues. The lives of Sahaba are full of stories and morals that reflect the teachings of Islam and how one can endorse those teachings in their lives. April 7, 2021 4681 1 To be accepted by Allah Ta'ala, Allah Ta'ala does not look at one's color, shape, wealth, or riches; rather Allah Ta'ala sees one's Sifat or qualities. [5], Some Quranic references are important to Sunni Muslim views of the reverence due to all companions;[6][7][8][9][10][11][f][g][h][i] It sometimes admonishes them, as when Aisha, daughter of the first Sunni caliph Abu Bakr and the wife of Muhammad, was accused of infidelity. If a disbeliever sees Muhammad and then joins the Believers after the demise of Muhammad, he is not a Sahaba; nor is a person called a Sahaba if he converted to Islam afterward although he had seen Muhammad as a Muslim. His participation in the Battle of Badr is questioned by some historians; he is known to have fought in 19 battles (including Badr) under command of Muhammad and was a trusted Sahabi. [9:80] Whether you ask forgiveness for them, or do not ask forgiveness for them - even if you ask forgiveness for them seventy times - GOD will not forgive them. This is the same example as in the Torah. And when they speak, you may listen to their eloquence. Those who seek to follow the Prophet by following Bukhary and his likes are just following Bukhary and his likes and the messenger will complain to God from them on the day of Judgment that they deserted the Q U R A N . Abu Darda He was known for his dislike for this world and love of the late night prayer. His most ardent belief was to teach people to learn whatever they like to learn, yet he also emphasized that Allah will not make your learning worthwhile unless you practice what you have learned. And those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. Get your spiritual pick-me-up and exclusive news right in your mailbox. It is because of their efforts that the Islamic traditions have been preserved and handed down generation after generation without any fabrication. Usamah Ibn Zaid He was the son of Zaid Ibn Haritha and the Prophet (pbuh) appointed him as a leader when he was still a teenager. Bukhary had many hadiths narrated by Abdullah Ibn Abbas who was a young child during the Prophet's life. We, at, receive many inquiries about the companions of the prophets (Sahaba)Most of them represent infatuation with them to the point of idolatry. Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman - Wikipedia Which Quran verses mention the sahaba/companions? Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf He was the wealthiest Sahabi and was extremely generous. Saeed Ibn Zaid He was one of the blessed ten, husband of Fathima Bint Khattab and the son of the famous Zaid Ibn Amr Ibn Nufail. This is because they disbelieve in GOD and His messenger. Recite all the Masnoon Duas before and after actions. Join TarteeleQuran to learn Quran online 99 Names of Allah for kids:Names of Allah Printable colouring sheets pdf 99 Names of Allah Colouring Page : Teach your Child 99 Names of Allah subhanahu wa taala in a fun manner. Hence, throughout the battle he kept a close eye on him . Ubayd-Allah said: Ibn Abbaas used to say: What a calamity it was when the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) was prevented from writing that document for them because of their disagreement and arguing. The materials of this world, compared to the Hereafter, are nil.