We had the floors done while on vacation to avoid the fumes. I know this is an old post but how did everything turn out ? If you are exposed to a toxic product while you are pregnant, dont panic. Not sure if it's the same was flooring but I just thought I'd share. Some fish contain mercury, including shark (flake), broadbill, marlin and swordfish. Are wood stain fumes harmful? You can begin the safety journey by always adhering to the usage instructions associated with any household products. However, do not give a drink if the victim has symptoms that make it hard to swallow. I did sleep in the first floor of our house last night (after they were pretty much dried and the fumes were not there, etc) and it was not the same floor. Are Wood Stain Fumes Harmful? | Cut The Wood When ingested or inhaled, arsenics absorbed into the blood stream and the majority of its expelled in the urine. The effects of the staining vapor should be almost gone as far as ill effects on your pregnancy. (if you have any!) Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. Short-term side effects from inhaling VOCs can include: irritation of the eyes, nose, or throat headache feeling dizzy or light-headed nausea trouble breathing Exposure to high concentrations. These solvents are commonly used in dry cleaning, as glue solvents, paint thinners and they have many other uses. Also, avoid coming into contact any foam inside the furniture. First Aid for Wood Stains Poisoning - dovemed.com Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website. Headache. Is It Safe to Sit by a Fire During Pregnancy? - TheBump.com HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. How Long Do VOCs Last From Hardwood Floor Refinishing? Support for this browser is being discontinued for this site. Like it or not, if you drink tap water, you will be consuming a small amount of chlorine. But aside from environmental arsenic, exposure commonly occurs through eating and drinking. The chemical element, lead, is a heavy metal thats used in a number of different industries. Breathing in high levels of VOCs can cause a number of short-term health problems, from headaches and dizziness to a runny nose and itchy eyes. In addition, researchers also suggest that exposure to fumes from oil-based stains before conception is also hazardous. exposed to stain and polyurethane pregnancy. This presents a problem, although the major source of human exposure is through diet. Serving up the hottest food trends and the inside scoop on restaurants worldwide. Thus, you cannot avoid breathing in and out during the staining job. Always read and follow the instructions on any packaging. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. Im going to discuss the potentially harmful effects of lead in this article, in addition to a number of other materials and chemical elements, which, if youre pregnant, you should steer clear from. Also, despite water-based products being a safe formula for household projects, it would be best to interrogate FDA regulations on the same. Using Baking Soda: Baking soda is another effective way to eliminate the wood stain smell. Please avoid making the person throw up unless under the instruction of a healthcare provider or poison control. Children's curiosity can lead to danger, such as unintentional poisoning. Is wood dust harmful during pregnancy? - Memo for moms The risk of harm to your baby may be slightly greater from solvent-based paints and old paintwork, which may contain traces of lead. This way, the health providers know how to begin their treatment. We are surrounded by chemicals and toxins (poisons). Bhav Patel is a University of Leicester Biological Science graduate, sports enthusiast and keen writer with a passion for health, fitness and interesting news from around the globe. In the above scenario, the best thing to do is to ensure proper ventilation. The 2nd coat of staining takes much longer to dry than the 1st, but the fumes shouldn't take more than 24 hours at the most to go away (the time it takes to completely dry). Getting the Best Out of Your Ash Furniture 2023. In our modern everyday life we come into contact with many different chemicals through the products we use, the food we eat, and the air we breathe. Formaldehyde is a chemical used in nail polish, some cosmetics and hair-straightening products. If you start to feel nauseous or dizzy at any point, leave the area immediately. Even though there is nothing you can do now, let's look at the positive points.. 1) We advise women not to paint or be around paint when pregnant. Worsening allergy and asthma symptoms. Headaches. Then tomorrow they are doing water based poly. These fumes could potentially irritate the eyes, throat, and lungs as well as cause allergic reactions for those with chemical sensitivities Respiratory Issues First, polyurethane is a petrochemical resin that contains known respiratory toxins called isocyanates. Its an aromatic hydrocarbon and is used as a solvent, in fuel and as a precursor to other chemicals as it can readily dissolve in other substances. Just keep your home properly ventilated until the wood stain cures. Epidemiology 23(6): 806-812. https://journals.lww.com/epidem/Fulltext/2012/11000/Exposure_During_Pregnancy_to_Glycol_Ethers_and.8.aspx [Accessed October 2021], Desrosiers TA, et al. Also, you may experience a burning sensation or general irritation. Let the air in Ensure that the room is well-ventilated when you're doing all the work so that the paint fumes don't linger inside. We appreciate you reading this article, and you can also share it and comment below for any questions. Whilst your hormones are going haywire during pregnancy, you dont want to consume something that could mimic hormones and disrupt the endocrine system to an even greater extent. However, researchers are yet to confirm these findings further. Hardwood floor refinishing safe with pregnancy? | BabyCenter Its likely to affect the fetuss brain and cause developmental problems which may only become apparent at some stage later in your childs life. Young children put everything in their mouths, including household poisons, chemicals and medicines. Sometimes you are so eager to stain the floors of your house before thanksgiving or the arrival of a baby, only to realize that the formula produces a long-lingering and overpowering smell. Severe skin burns that even cause skin tissue perforation. . Some symptoms of this occurrence include memory loss and confusion. Also, it affects other parts such as the skin, nose, ears, eyes, tongue, and throat. Consuming a small flake of paint the size of a 5-cent piece can raise levels in your blood for several weeks, and some of this will remain in the body for life. Open all doors and windows in order to cross-ventilate fresh air in and keep the smelly air out. Today I left for work before they got there. In addition to affecting the fetuss development, it could increase the chances of premature birth, and if the babys born, it could be born with abnormally low birth weight. More specifically, exposure to toxic stain fumes during the first trimester might increase the risk of congenital abnormalities. Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. 1) Try to find wood that is natural so that the dust is less toxic. Finally, apply an encapsulating sealer. However, the risk of this occurring is very small, especially if you've just been doing a small amount of varnishing. The fumes are dangerous because wood stains contain dyes, solvents, and binders that are unsafe to breathe. As a pregnant woman figuring out what to eat, what to avoid, what materials and substances are safe to come into contact with and which ones to steer clear from, can be a mind field.Navigating you. It's highly unlikely that painting or being around paint fumes while you're pregnant will harm your unborn baby, as the risk from most modern household paints is very low. I have done many, many projects while pregnant. You can even purchase a respirator to reduce the risk of inhaling the fumes. There have been a few studies that have revealed that these chemicals could cause miscarriage or fetal abnormalities; sticking to bottled or filtered water would be the safest way to go during pregnancy. And even worse, it destroys the central nervous system. And this is true as to why paint has a strong smell, the . However, the risk of harm is higher if you have stains with solvents instead of water. So you have a baby on the way and you're in full-on nesting mode maybe that involves stocking up on clothes and toys, giving the new nursery a fresh coat of paint, or refinishing a dresser you thrifted. Breathing Problems. To ventilate, place the main source of the strong stain smell outside during the day. Wood stain fumes are harmful and can cause vomiting, seizures, and respiratory problems. To be on the safe side, wear gloves and avoid breathing in fumes from products such as oven and tile cleaners. Toluene is a colorless liquid that has a very distinctive smell that paint thinner smell. . Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. Liquid wood stain uses harmful solvents to remain in liquid form and to remain together. Prolonged exposure to wood stain fumes can also cause more serious health issues, such as kidney damage and cancer. Mercurys a chemical element thats present naturally in the environment, so having zero exposure to mercury is therefore impossible. The resins theyre used to make are epoxy resins used to coat food and drink cans, line water pipes etc. 9. Mercury poisoning can damage you, although your bodys better equipped to cope with it. Unfortunately, the above is not the only health effect of stain fumes. I will just stay at work until 6, then work out, then shower, then go to dinner. E. Erspring25. Theres no arguing with the fact that it has its benefits in certain industries although some scientists refute this notion of fluoride being good for us in any capacity. Aside from the dust and fumes, refinishing your hardwood BEFORE the baby is born is a bad idea, IMO. Your fetuss minute form on the other hand, is not. The place was well ventilated and their products are all low VOC but by the end the smell was really bothering me and I was starting to freak out! But its a good idea to avoid them as much as possible while you are pregnant. Staining wood is a method practiced for hundreds of years. Using stain is just like painting just a bit stronger. No ones saying you cant eat these types of fish during your pregnancy. This way, you avoid unnecessary accidents. Phthalates are used in a variety of different products. You need to call your doc butif Is it safe to do wood staining while pregnant? But take care: Pregnancy is not the time to refinish furniture. The hormones involved in the endocrine system mechanics are responsible for controlling the environment in the womb; mess with this as BPAs could potentially do and youre messing with your fetuss home environment for the next nine months. Wear gloves, long sleeves, and pants. purposes. They also linger in the atmosphere for days or even months. Therefore, it would be best to test out the coffee stain on scrap wood before applying it to the whole surface. But you can explore other food-safe wood stain options for your kitchen project. Phthalates have been linked to asthma, certain types of cancers, diabetes, fertility issues, cognitive issues and a host of other problems. Eye irritation -- redness, itchiness, and tearing. Pregnant animals or young animals are at a greater risk for lead poisoning. Poisonous gases are released and its a carcinogen too capable of causing cancer. But you may find yourself in a freshly stained environment. That sent a red flag in the air for me. As we discussed earlier, VOCs in the paint are responsible for the noxious odor fumes from the paint. Even worse, there may be blood in your stool because of burns in the stomach or gut. You fit into the category of threatened miscarriage. But if you are exposed to large quantities of chemicals for a long time, its possible your child will be at an increased risk of congenital disorders or future health problems. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. This isn't a common problem with paint, though; paint is thick and children rarely swallow much. You can choose to dispose of the leftover formula. Therefore it would be best to beware of: The best way to get rid of these fumes is to avoid stinky stains. Seek fresh air immediately and call poison control. floor refinishing and pregnancy. How best to remove fumes after applying polyurethane in a hardwood Dont keep anything that contains such solvents in your house if you can help it. Cracked a window but should I be worried? It can cause kidney and liver damage. Also, please correctly label all poisons in the house and keep them in suitable storage locations. Red wine is a perfect choice if you want a non-traditional color. Attarchi MS, et al. It has . My DH is staining our cabinets in the other room right now we are both going to be fine. Jan 29, 2022 at 7:53 PM. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. Unless you live near a volcano, a coal-fired power plant, or a steel, caustic soda, or cement production factory, atmospheric mercury levels are unlikely to be raised to a level that will cause you or your fetus any harm. she is now very upset after reading cautions and searching google. But either way, it would be best to keep away from both long-term and short-term exposure. Theyre regarded to be public enemy number one, but what exactly are they? Worst possible scenario, it could cause the death of your fetus. Epoxy is safe to use while pregnant, but it's always a good idea to speak with your doctor if you have any concerns. Also, you will deliver a deep color with three coats. Might cost $100-$200 in heat over 5 days if you really opened things up but should be less. Check out these two product types in detail. Refinishing Your Floors Can Make You Sick | Indoor Doctor It is only reasonable to keep your eyes wide open, and thus the fumes get into the body system through them. I just stained a piece of wood trim and am now freaking out because I read the can and it said TOXIC!!! Please check and try again, lead in the body can affect the health of unborn babies and children, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, development and quality assurance of healthdirect content, Protecting your child from lead poisoning, COVID-19 vaccination, pregnancy and breastfeeding. These components are all harmful to the human body as they are corrosive, toxic, and carcinogenic. Therefore, you may feel dizzy or lightheaded. Moreover, youll see warnings such as mutagenic, flammable, carcinogenic, and skin irritant on the product label. Just dont do that again! In addition, we are all inhaling and exhaling all the time as thats how we keep alive. For instance, please consider water-based stains for your indoor projects. We all know that most products have strong smells, that even just opening a can will already give anyone a whiff of its signature scent. From hair dye to house paints, there are a few products or lifestyle habits pregnant women and their partners should be cautious of during pregnancy. i stained a bunch of stuff preggoi did wear a mask but you were not exposed long-you are fine. For more information, contact Safe Work Australia. Paint/wood stain fumes. I mean in my throat, mouth, nose, chest. BabyCentre notes that one particular birth defect, known as gastroschisis, is thought to occur more frequently in women with paint fume exposure. Proper ventilation reduces the intensity of wood stain odors. Paint containing lead was used in many Australian houses before 1970, so avoid stripping old paint while youre pregnant. Is my baby going to be okay?! But too much exposure/ingestion of fluoride could be toxic. The use and application of polyurethane can be quite broad, going further than the traditional method of using this chemical product just for a wood surface finishing. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. Epoxy is a great way to seal and protect projects, so it's perfect for use during pregnancy. It also has estrogen mimicking properties. Is it safe to be exposed to wood smoke while pregnant? In addition, be aware of basic first aid steps as accidents happen. Nausea. But it darkens the lumber and gives it a lovely look. The smell of wood stain will persist as it dries or cures. The products have low odor and fewer VOCs. They must carry out a risk assessment and find ways to reduce your exposure. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). Im taking about PCBs in the past tense because its use has been phased out in many countries. It's best to limit your exposure to paint and paint fumes while you're pregnant. If you work in an area where organic solvents are rife, ensure the areas well ventilated or wear a mouth and nose covering. Check out the following alternatives for your work. Some stains give off an overwhelming pungent smell that can lead to nausea and dizziness. Women who have repeated and prolonged exposure to paint fumes during pregnancy may have a higher risk of giving birth to a baby with birth defects. Solvents maintain the binder and colorants in liquid form. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly.