13* So faith, hope, love remain, these three;h but the greatest of these is love. a 2 And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge; if I have all faith so as to move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing. Email: [email protected], Weekday 9:00 am (Mon-Fri), 7:00 pm (Tu & Th), Saturday 5:30 pm Wedding of Amy Donnelly and Justin Gilbert. Will mourners sit up straight, cock their heads, and ask if nuptials broke out at a funeral? It is used often in Christian wedding ceremonies. The servant told Isaac the whole story, and Isaac led Rebecca to his tent and made her his wife; and he loved her. [ 2] And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. Fax: 281.584.2024 [ 1] If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. We don't hold back. Ane now these three remain: faith, hope and love. (Ephesians 5:2, 21-33 [long form] or Ephesians 5:2, 25-32 [short form]) The God of peace will be with you. It can last between 30-45 minutes. Genesis 24:48-51, 58-67 The marriage of Isaac and Rebekah. Philippians 4 The Most Popular Catholic Wedding Readings (Infographic) via Together for Life . A Catholic wedding ceremony will typically consist of three readings and a responsorial psalm. So the Lord God made the man fall into a deep sleep. Basilica of St. Louis, King of France ("Old Cathedral") St. Louis, Missouri. giving thanks to God the Father through him. They cover the basics of every marriage, which bothers on faith, hope, love, righteousness, and commitment. They usually follow this order: In this post, weve put together 37 catholic wedding readings for you to choose from. A Reading From The Song Of Songs (2:10-14, 16), 7. CHAPTER 12. We love to talk about tactics, strategy, and the various tools we use. 103 You may even be surprised to learn that wedding readings are a personal choice at all considering how often you hear the same passage or religious verse quoted in the ceremonies youve attended in the past. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell and great was its fall!. . He literally makes us to be just, and the Latin word [foreign language 00:13:58] means to make just. 5it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury,e If you have questions, you can discuss in the comboxes or e-mail me for a more direct answer. The first comes at the beginning after the vicar or priests welcome; the second is sung during or after the signing of the register and the last hymn right before the final blessing. 1 John 4:12: "No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is made complete in us.". Your officiant is generally the first person to walk toward the altar, signifying the ceremony is about to commence. . Funeral Readings. when they observe your reverent and chaste behavior. In 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8; 13, St. Paul tells us what love is and what love is not. So also husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. It can last between 30-45 minutes. Featured Resource Daily Marriage Tip Unless you become like a child Children are wonderful at being absorbed in the present moment. Readings for Weddings: 1 Corinthians 13 (New International Version) - Wedding Ceremonies by All Seasons Wedding Ceremonies Readings for Weddings Wedding Prayers Canada's award-winning officiant service All Seasons Weddings has over two decades of experience helping couples from all traditions and backgrounds. A Reading From The Letter Of Saint Paul To The Colossians (3:12-17), 23. A Reading From The Book Of Genesis (1:26-28, 31), 2. October. A Reading From The Book Of Genesis (1:26-28, 31), 5. A Reading From The Holy Gospel According To Matthew (7:21,24-29), 31. God said, Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and let them be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven, the cattle, all the wild beasts, and all the reptiles that crawl upon the earth.. Love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. Jesus said to the servants, Fill the jars with water, and they filled them to the brim. %PDF-1.5 Catholic Online School - Free education with 1,000,000 student enrollments. A light rises in the darkness for the upright; It goes well for the man who deals generously and lends. Catholic wedding ceremony reading from the Old Testament are nine in number. The man exclaimed:This at last is bone from my bones, and flesh from my flesh! Sunday 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am,12:30 pm, The rhetoric of this chapter is striking. 2:00 pm (Spanish), 5:30 pm. Options for the First Reading (Old Testament) during a Catholic weddingClick here to find the readings below at foryourmarriage.org. Catholic Online Prayers - thousands of prayers. For this reason, they are limited to readings from the scriptures (the Bible). Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Genesis 24 2:2 Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. May they all be one. Dec 1, 2016 - This reading 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 is frequently used as a reading in Catholic Weddings. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. A Reading From The Holy Gospel According To Mark (10: 6-9), 34. 58-67), 4. Catholic Online Saints - thousands of saints bios. is a popular classic for Catholic weddings, especially if you like to keep all things traditional. (Genesis 2:18-24) In his love for Rebekah, Isaac found solace after the death of his mother. We like to share the honest truth about what it's really like to be a successful wedding professional. Unity and Variety. They include creation, suffering, oneness, joy, and obedience, some of the core ingredients of marriage. through the bond of peace: one Body and one Spirit. ). 1 If I speak in human and angelic tongues * but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal. her thoughtfulness puts flesh on his bones; a gift from the LORD is her governed speech, and her firm virtue is of surpassing worth. She can walk alone or be escorted by her son, son-in-law or another relative. Happy those who hunger and thirst for what is right: Happy those who are persecuted in the cause of right: Happy are you when people abuse you and persecute you and speak all kinds of calumny against you on my account. Love never ends. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This was the first of the signs given by Jesus: it was given at Cana in Galilee. NEW 1 Corinthians TESTAMENT READING 12:31-13:8a A reading from the first Letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians Brothers and sisters: Strive eagerly for the greatest spiritual gifts. But no helpmate suitable for man was found for him.So the Lord God made the man fall into a deep sleep. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 4 Love is patient, love is kind. . A Reading From The Holy Gospel According To John (17:20-23), Catholic Wedding Readings From The Old Testament, 1. 51 Non Religious Wedding Readings For Your Ceremony, 31 Poem Wedding Readings For Your Ceremony, Funny Maid Of Honor Speeches For Best Friend. Hence, the reader can be a Catholic, a Non-Catholic Christian, or anyone of a different religious affiliation. As guests at various wedding ceremonies, weve all heard similar readings from wedding to wedding, but which of these readings are the most popular? And so Isaac was consoled for the loss of his mother. In the first column a number of sigla are used to indicate information about the readings and to suggest a clear way of indicating each reading during preparation for the wedding. This famous passage from Ruth 1:16-17, NKJV , is a popular choice for Christian couples for their wedding ceremony. A reading from the /rst letter of St Paul to the Corinthians. There are nine options for the first reading from the Old Testament, thirteen options for the second reading from the New Testament, and ten choices for the Gospel. That needs to be our priority. Matthew 5:1-12a Matthew 5:13-16 Matthew 7:21, 24-29 Matthew 19:3-6 Matthew 22:35-40 Mark 10:6-9 John 2:1-11 John 15:9-12 John 15:12-16 John 17:20-26 Wedding readings are some of the most grounded and detailed selections. The Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone. A Reading From The Book Of Sirach (26: 1-4), 8. God blessed them, saying to them, Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and conquer it. They did this; the steward tasted the water, and it turned into wine. But I shall show you a still more excellent way. If there are prophecies, they will be brought to nothing; if tongues, they will cease; if knowledge, it will be brought to nothing. A Reading From The Prophet Jeremiah (31:31-34), 37 Catholic Wedding Readings For Your CeremonyResponsorial Psalms For Your Catholic Wedding Ceremony, 29. A Reading From The Holy Gospel According To Matthew (5:13-16), 30. Male and female he created them. 148, New Testament Genesis 2 :18-24 It is not good that Man should be alone. Love Is Indispensable. What will separate us from the love of Christ? Couples don't have to choose 1 Corinthians 13 as their wedding reading. It was you who said, It is not good that the man should be alone; let us make him help mate like himself. Catholic Online YouTube - over 4,800 Catholic videos. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? 11When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I put aside childish things. There are usually two to three hymns sung during the wedding ceremony. 4 0 obj Catholic Wedding Reading. Having no idea where it came from only the stewards who had drawn the water knew the steward called the bridegroom and said: People generally serve the best wine first, and keep the cheaper sort till the guests have had plenty to drink; but you have kept the best wine till now.. Love no flood can quench, no torrents drown. Try to imitate their whole-hearted attention to the present today. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. With me in them and you in me, may they be so completely one that the world will realise that it was you who sent me and that I have loved them as much as you loved me.. 3If I give away everything I own, and if I hand my body over so that I may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing.c, 4* Love is patient, love is kind. And they are 14 options. So they are no longer two but one flesh. The reading is used because it speaks about all the things love is and is not as to reiterate to the couple what the love in their marriage should be like. 58-67)Abrahams servant said to Laban, I blessed the Lord, God of my master Abraham, who had so graciously led me to choose the daughter of my masters brother for his son. The bride and groom still get their kiss, though. The number 1 most popular reading for weddings is (1 Corinthians Chapter 13) If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. A Reading From The Holy Gospel According To Matthew (19:3-6), 32. 1 John 4 When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Make allowance for each others faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Funeral Lectionary: 1 Corinthians 13:1-7. Revelation 19 We shall be together forever and our love will be the gift of God.The word of the LordA reading from the book of Genesis (1:26-28. The entire congregation stands and either recites or sings the Lords Prayer in unison. A Reading From The Holy Gospel According To Matthew (19:3-6), 32. 2. Take a look at the statistics and the infographic below and see if you can guess which readings are being selected the most! to go out and to bear fruit, fruit that will last; Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said: I pray not only for these, but for those also who through their words will believe in me. Genesis 2 . (Matthew 5:112a) 21%: Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must separate. (Mark 10:69) 16%: As the Father loves me, so I also love you. (John 15:912). x[&m]\lERS\NlpXzu5e4~ xHNl46 l}]~__>O%\B|? do not be haughty but associate with the lowly; be concerned for what is noble in the sight of all. Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans15:1b-3a, 5-7, 13) Your body is a temple of the Spirit. Weve got all of them lined up in this post to help you are set up your Catholic wedding ceremony script.wedding readings The LORD God said, It isnt good for the man to live alone. Love is patient, love is kind. The greatestis love: love is operative even within the other members of the triad (7), so that it has a certain primacy among them. Wherever you die, I will die and there will I be buried beside you. to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice. Likewise, you husbands should live with your wives in understanding. In the lectionary (the large ceremonial book . It is always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preservers. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. She stood up, and they began praying for protection, and this was how he began: You are blessed, O God of our fathers; blessed, too, is your name for ever and ever. <>>> My hour has not yet come. His mother said to the servants, Do whatever he tells you.. 11 When I was a child, I used to talk like a child, and see things as a child does, and think like a child; but now that I have become an adult, I have finished with all childish ways. Wherever you live, I will live. (Romans 12:1-2, 9-18 [long form] or Romans 12:1-2, 9-13 [short form]) Welcome one another as Christ welcomed you. A responsorial psalm (this is usually sung by the cantor while the assembly responds). The man exclaimed: This is why a man leaves his father and mother and joins himself to his wife, and they become one body. Romans 15, 625 Nottingham Oaks Trail Catholic wedding ceremony reading from the Old Testament are nine in number. Now Isaac went walking in the fields as evening fell, and looking up saw camels approaching. 1Cor 13:7) features of Christian life, more fundamental than any particular charism. Jesus said to his disciples, Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. In addition to the Bible readings listed, we also have Ecclesiasticus 26:1-4, 13-16 confirms that the husband of a good wife is always happy. A loving partner is a life-saving remedy, and those who respect their Lord find true love. But if salt becomes tasteless, what can make it salty again? If I have all the eloquence of men or of angels, but speak without love, I am simply a gong booming or a cymbal clashing. the people he has chosen as his heritage. You and I must pray and petition our Lord to win his grace and his protection.. Once the pair reaches the end of the aisle, they part ways. Stations of the Cross: Every Friday of Lent, Daily Readings with Questions for Reflection, RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, Almsgiving, Prayer, and Fasting: The Three Pillars of Lent. Wed Feb 14, 2018 - 12:01 am EST. Options for the First Reading (Old Testament) during a Catholic wedding Click here to find the readings below at foryourmarriage.org. Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. (Proverbs31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31) Stern as death is love. Of those two, one will always be from one of the four gospels, and the other from one of the other books of the NT. bearing with one another and forgiving one another. Contribute to the needs of the holy ones. Who will bring a charge against Gods chosen ones? A Reading From The Holy Gospel According To John (15:12-16). Weve got you covered from the first reading to the gospel reading. If youre looking for inspiration, resources and thought-provoking content, check out our monthly newsletter. So what is this love we set before you. Its also important that you plan your reading with the priest officiating your wedding. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. John 2:1-11. as you were also called to the one hope of your call; who is over all and through all and in all. Father, may they be one in us, as you are in me and I am in you, so that the world may believe it was you who sent me. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor any other creature will be able to separate us. They are already a well-known triad (cf. b. This is what he taught them: They shall have the earth for their heritage. Theres also the gospel wedding readings, which are ten in number, and the mass readings. You are the light of the world. The man exclaimed:This at last is bone from my bones,and flesh from my flesh!This is to be called woman,for this was taken from man.This is why a man leaves his father and mother and joins himself to his wife, and they become one body.The word of the Lord.3. Caetano Lacerda Criticising someone's choice of Bible reading at a wedding is like criticising the bride's dress or the groom's haircut. In Catholic services there are normally four readings: an Old Testament, psalm response, New Testament, a sung Gospel . The soft melody speaks to the soul and works as the perfect background music to those all-important vows. b 3 If I give away everything I own, and if I hand my body over so that I may boast but do not have love . Posted on 11 November 2013 by catholicsensibility. (Philippians 4:4-9) And over all these put on love, that is, the bond of perfection. Old Testament From The Book of Common Prayer. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. So having 1 Corinthians 13 at a wedding is lovely. Sirach 26 And what Paul is saying in these verses in 1 Corinthians 13is that the Spirit's fruit is more important than the Spirit's gifts. The man gave names to all the cattle, all the birds of heaven and all the wild beasts. 1 Corinthians 12:3113:8a . Wherever you live, I will live. They speak not only to the couple but also to the congregants. For as a person is, so is their loved one.The word of the Lord.A Reading from the Book of Ruth (1:16-17)Wherever you go, I will go. It was you who created Adam, you who created Eve his wife to be his help and support; and from these two the human race was born. This is the greatest and the first commandment. At a Catholic wedding, there are two possible readings from the New Testament's First Letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians. Genesis 1:26-28, 31a Be fruitful and multiply. By the power of your Holy Spirit, pour out the abundance of your . * [13:813] The final paragraph announces its topic, Love never fails (1Cor 13:8), then develops the permanence of love in contrast to the charisms (1Cor 13:912), and finally asserts loves superiority even over the other theological virtues (1Cor 13:13). . These readings also emphasize that no one dares put asunder to what God joins. All or part of the material may once have been an independent piece in the style of Hellenistic eulogies of virtues, but it is now integrated, by editing, into the context of 1Cor 1214 (cf. 1 Now in regard to spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be unaware. Learning Resources - Free printable resources for schools, parishes, and more. (Jeremiah 31:31-32a, 33-34a) Options for the Responsorial Psalm during a Catholic wedding The psalms were written as songs, so although the responsorial psalm can be read if no cantor (song leader) is available, it is better for it to be sung by a cantor (GIRM #61). So priests advise that intending couples prayerfully choose the readings that speak best to them. 4. A Catholic wedding ceremony will typically consist of three readings and a responsorial psalm. * [13:13] In speaking of love, Paul is led by spontaneous association to mention faith and hope as well. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. We know 1st Corinthians is a common wedding reading, so we thought our comments were worth a more detailed . In the following list of responsorial psalms for weddings, the title is the assemblys response.Click here to find the readings below at foryourmarriage.org. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. / 1 Corinthians 13 Looking for a religious wedding reading? Whoever is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. Tobit 7 For Your Marriage is here to support you! Service Sunday. If I speak in human and angelic tongues You wives should be subordinate to your husbands so that, they may be won over without a word by their wives conduct. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Old Testament Readings Responsorial Psalms New Testament Readings Gospel Readings For more information on how Scripture is used during Mass, please visit the Liturgy page on the USCCBs website. Embed this Infographic on Your Website Copy and paste this code into your website: The Most Popular Wedding Readings Old Testament 29%: It is not good for the man to be alone. (Genesis 2:1824) 19%: Now, Lord, you know that I take this wife of mine not because of lust, but for a noble purpose. (Tobit 8:4b8) 18%: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. (Genesis 1:2628, 31a) Responsorial Psalms 36%: The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. (Psalm 33) 21%: The Lord is compassionate toward all his works. (Psalm 145) 15%: The Lord is kind and merciful. (Psalm 103) Second Reading 41%: Love is patient, love is kind. (1 Corinthians 12:3113:8a) 15%: If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31b35, 3739) The Gospel Reading 23%: THE BEATITUDES Blessed are they . They blessed Rebekah in these words: Rebekah and her servants stood up, mounted the camels, and followed the man. Be warned! There he sat down, and was joined by the disciples. (Song of Songs 2:8-10, 14, 16; 8:6-7) Like the sun rising in the Lords heavens, the beauty of a virtuous wife is the radiance of her home. * [13:47] This paragraph is developed by personification and enumeration, defining love by what it does or does not do. A Reading From The Book Of Genesis (1:26-28, 31)God said, Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and let them be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven, the cattle, all the wild beasts, and all the reptiles that crawl upon the earth.God created man in the image of himself,in the image of God he created him,male and female he created them.God blessed them, saying to them, Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and conquer it. The Most Popular Wedding Readings Old Testament 29%: "It is not good for the man to be alone." (Genesis 2:18-24) 19%: "Now, Lord, you know that I take this wife of mine not because of lust, but for a noble purpose." (Tobit 8:4b-8) 18%: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." (Genesis 1:26-28, 31a) Responsorial Psalms A Reading From The Letter Of Saint Paul To The Philippians (4:4-9), 22. The choir sings responsorial psalms; another series reading comes from the New Testament. Presented here in easy-to-reference format, are the choices for wedding readings. Recently in our Friday Five series, we posted five wedding readings we love. 1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. The mother of the bride is the last person seated before the officiant, groom and best man take their places at the altar. from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. The Blessing of the Marriage . He lists eight things love embraces and eight things love resists. If you choose the latter, I recommend contacting me at my church office, where I keep more resources on hand to assist. The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord (Psalm 33:12, 18, 20-21, 22) I will bless the Lord at all times (Psalm 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9) The Lord is kind and merciful (Psalm 103:1-2, 8, 13, 17-18) Happy are those who do what the Lord commands (Psalm 112:1-2, 3-4, 5-7, 7-8, 9) Happy are those who fear the Lord (Psalm 128:1-2, 3, 4-5ac, 6a) The Lord is compassionate to all his creatures (Psalm 145:8-9, 10, 15, 17-18) Let all praise the name of the Lord (Psalm 148:1-2, 3-4, 9-10, 11-13ab, 13c-14a) Options for the Second Reading (New Testament) during a Catholic weddingClick here to find the readings below at foryourmarriage.org. grant you to think in harmony with one another, that with one accord you may with one voice. On these two commandments hang the whole law, and the prophets also.. So then, what God has united, man must not divide., A lawyer, to disconcert Jesus, put a question, Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. than to lay down his life for his friends. And while he slept, he took one of his ribs and enclosed it in flesh. Catholic.org - with thousands of pages of magisterial content. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCBs) mission is to encounter the mercy of Christ and to accompany His people with joy. Editor's note: LifeSiteNews is pleased to bring you on St. Valentine's Day an extraordinary wedding homily on the topic of the authentic meaning of true love . Bible verses at weddings: 1. In it, we said that while biblical readings in ceremonies can be beautiful and meaningful, we encourage couples to choose something other than First Corinthians, Chapter 13 ("Love is patient, love is kind."). 1 Corinthians 13:1-2 (ASV) If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal. Marriage is a promise, a potential, made in the hearts of two people in love, but takes a lifetime to fulfill.' The apostle Paul understood this, and in 1 Corinthians' 13th chapter, he attempted to define for us what love is-with love being not just an attribute of God, but God being love. How do you find it in the book? From the first Roman Catholic wedding readings to mass readings and gospel, weve got you covered. A Reading From The First Letter Of Saint John (3:18-24), 26. These he brought to the man to see what he would call them; each one was to bear the name the man would give it. 112 Wedding Reading #1: Genesis 1:26-28, 31 Male and female he created them. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. the references to knowledge and to behavior). since we are joint heirs of the gift of life. Ephesians 5 (Long) A Reading From The Holy Gospel According To Matthew (7:21,24-29), 31. Texts come from the New Testament telling the couples to rejoice and be glad. b Oct 28, 2013 - This reading 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 is frequently used as a reading in Catholic Weddings. Catholic Wedding Readings For Your Ceremony Wedding Forward Church wedding readings are very traditional and transcend ages and generations. In this famous passage, the Apostle Paul describes 15 characteristics of love to the believers in the church at Corinth. the peace into which you were also called in one Body. Heres a rundown: After the ushers have seated all of the guests, the grandparents start up the aisle, followed by the grooms parents. and love one another just as he commanded us. * [13:13] An inventory of gifts, arranged in careful gradation: neither tongues (on the lowest rung), nor prophecy, knowledge, or faith, nor even self-sacrifice has value unless informed by love. We serve most communities across Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, and Alberta. glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ruth 1:16-17, which emphasizes leaving to cleave as Ruth did with her husband, Boaz. Kenmore (Ottawa), ON K0A 2G0 This is one of the marriage scriptures in the Bible that reminds us that God abides in the heart of those who seek love, and even though we cannot see him in a physical form, he remains within us. A perfect wife is the joy of her husband, He will live out the years of his life in peace. Old Testament readings (choose one): Genesis 1 (the creation of man and woman) Genesis 2 (woman from the rib of man, who leaves parents for his wife) Genesis 24 (Isaac and Rebekah, love story and consolation) Deuteronomy 6:4-9 (a non-Lectionary choice, the greatest commandment) Deuteronomy 8:7-14a, 17-18 (a non-Lectionary choice, gratitude for blessings) Ruth 1:8-11a, 13b-17 (a non-Lectionary choice, Ruths loyalty to Naomi) Tobit 7 (marriage is a joining together) Tobit 8 (A couple on their wedding night) Proverbs 31:10-31 (a worthy wife) Song of Songs 2 & 8 (love poetry) Sirach 26 (describes a good wife) Jeremiah 31 (Gods new covenant) Hosea 2 (for engaged couples, God and people betrothed) Psalm (choose one): Psalm 33(Gods goodness fills the earth) Psalm 34 (taste and see the Lords goodness) Psalm 103 (Gods tender mercy) Psalm 112(obedience to God) Psalm 118 (a non-Lectionary choice: this is the day God made) Psalm 121 (a non-Lectionary choice: God is always near, ready to help) Psalm 128 (the joys of home life) Psalm 145 (praising Gods compassion) Psalm 148 (all creation praises God) New Testament (choose one non-Gospel reading): Romans 8 (nothing can separate us from Christs love) Romans 12 (offer yourselves to God) Romans 15(welcome, joy, and peace) 1 Corinthians 6 (the body is a temple of the Spirit) 1 Corinthians 12-13 (love is patient ) Ephesians 4 (live a life worthy of the calling to love) Ephesians 5 (the mystery of marriage and the church) Philippians 2 (for engaged couples, unity not selfishness) Philippians 4 (rejoice!)