Im more mature than most 11-12 yr. olds. Does it really matter? Einstein was late in learning to speak, so there are many unaccountable variables. That is the highest someones IQ can be realistically tested for, and testing for anything higher requires a massively more complicated test. Impressive, girl! In a year, I moved to a Company business and soon was qualified for all propane work. Take me, for example. This is because the IQ score itself is a raw result, and not a function of its overall distribution. I observe a silhouette of intelligence, clearly as a reflection of the pure cosmic mind with which I have been imbued. You can have a high IQ, but lack education and general knowledge. The cognitive neurology to create those memories just doesnt exist yet. All with high intelligence have mastered their native languages, in childhood no less, both in terms of speaking and writing skills (at least use spellcheck if you want to fake it better folks). You can take the same test multiple times and end up with slight variations in score. You look at yourself as better than most people. If your IQ is over 129 go get your free ride to Harvard. Keep in mind this wont bring you from below average to genius. In this cruel, cruel world, life is way more than just an IQ numberthey havent learned that yet. I just hate how people always have to be better than each other. Why? You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. Read Genesis, chapter 1 until the seventh day. This is obvious in the repetition in your comments, showing that something ready bothers you that someone with higher emotional intelligence woudve have accepted with a rational and practical look into what they mightve done if presented with the same scenario (Random kid gloating about their alledged IQ) and why someone doubted their authenticity, compete with the feeling of not caring because they could put a harmless comment behind them. Its not her fault that this world is full of bigots who discriminate against anything from sexual orientation, race and gender to people with unusually high IQs and autistic people. And srsly? One is a doctor. I have an IQ of 155 but still make loads of mistakes. Good!} He appeared in The Simpsons, Star Trek, and The Big Bang Theory. Thats why the chess champions are always male. Just let yourself ponder this question, and maybe it will help you be less gullible in the future; if you were to find the largest diamond in the world in your backyard, just sitting on the back porch, would you not be skeptical of its authenticity? 4.0 average in college and the equivalent in graduate school. Pick your battles. She graduated with her Masters with high marks when she was 20. The smartest folks are able to admit when they arent familiar with a particular concept. WebIf your IQ falls between 85 and 115 points, you align with the majority of the population. Don't see the answer that you're looking for? If you have poor grammar or dyslexia you are not a true/complete genius/polymath, more like an idiot savant. Start by going to the faciity where you were tested. Not bothered testing in the last ten, but Im sure that it cant have deviated too much. Credit Gert-Martin Greuel via Wikimedia Commons is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0. Having friends with a variety of skills and capabilities is wonderful. It can be challenging and isolating to have a high IQ. I am trying to create my own IQ test which will show a lot more than pictures of blocks. Marilyn Vos Savant was born in Missouri in 1946. I was recently 6 months a go tested on IQ and scored a 142. National IQs calculated and validated for 108 nations. If I meet someone smart, Id want them to share their knowledge with me, not dangle it above my head and gloat. You could possibly imagine how much pain I have been through as a high IQ but very low EQ abnormal. To the people saying that the highest possible IQ correlates to the size of the population sigh.. No. The average IQ of different races can swing by as many as 60 points! * (In Baku). I would doubt Tupacs IQ to be average. Though, you can and should continue to learn throughout your life. No you arent. For example, one can solve complex equations and be unable to parallel park. I have an IQ of 146. God is of all possible genders, whether or not God even has a definable gender. Evolution demands natural selection, it is what made us reach our current level of technology and for the sake of advancement requires us to look beyond compassionate emotion and face the cold hard truth of reality. WebAccording to research conducted by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen, Hong Kong had the highest average IQ at 108 while Equatorial Guinea had the lowest at 59. Does it make you feel better to tear down people who have gifts that you dont have? Because of where he got in life and accomplished by the age of 26, I think he might deserve an honorable mention. For example, mathematics should represent only a fraction of said testing. If you know these terms without looking for the definition, then your IQ is close to mine (168). I am not super great at anything, and cant do math super fast. I might not be a genius but I know when somebody publishes work with few source notes. No one would suggest that Oprah could match wits with Michio Kaku, yet Im sure her net worth is a thousand times higher. I have spoken to many genius level people and can tell they struggle with being social. And those random mean-ass comments with no reason behind them, I envy you for having nothing better to do then yell at a random kid on the internet. keyboards (grammer) ; electronic,s [sic] should be electronics punctuation and grammer); etc. Nothing else. One other point I would like to mention is that there are numerous games on the market designed specifically for toddler age children. I wish to point out that I am currently fourteen years of age newly so as well, in June. There are so many tests online, dont know which one is a legit. Depending on the test, entry to Mensa could require a score of 130 (where SD = 15), 132 (SD = 16) or 148 (SD = 24). Lets discuss how thats possible below. The fact that IQ tests have changed quite a bit over the years makes it difficult to compare results from different eras. If somehow you manage to stumble across it again, I would love a new friend to have those intellectual and fun conversations with from dusk til dawn. The top 10 African countries I went through the same things, though I was able to blend in a little by trying to appear less intelligent most of the time. Also the fact, he left behind a impact that is still highly spoken of today and worth 40million. Humor. 1. Why are you criticizing her for believing that there is a God? Id estimate him to have been around a 90 at best. Well, Donald John Trump actually has an IQ of 150. WebDr. Excuse me Sorry But Just to ask whether is it cool to have an iq of entering the realm of negative i think dont think it so. He didnt have an easy time in college, later moving to Texas where he became a teacher. have to write in and tell us !!! Brie, In a reply to Jeannettes comment about how she believes in God and the Bible, you said, Welp, guess you dont know what Everyone has their own opinions means. That was not a very intelligent statement. So they had me tested. Wicherts JM, et al. Did you know that there are some people who can taste something and name every single ingredient (each and every spice even just a pinch) that youve put in it?! Which God do you mean? The calculator simply displays the answer to the typed-in query; it does not care if you believe the answer or not: A fact remains a fact, regardless of how many (if any) living entities, acknowledges it or not. Most Respectfully, Donald. Later asked him how long it took for him, he replied about the same as you. I can paint a picture to look exactly like the model. Tolkein. When Edith Stern was only 11 months old she was able to communicate using cards, then at the age of one, she began to be able to identify some of the letters in the Latin alphabet. Your not capable of much more than someone that works hard. A score Philip Emeagwali with scribbled Exxon-Mobil equations byInfoATemeagwaliDOTcomvia Wikimedia Commons is licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. By the age of 20, hed already earned a Ph.D. the early 70s age 15, i tested at..what my high school guidance counselor called off the chartabove 200convinced i was smarter that i thought i was, he coaxed me to take the testAll excited with this result, he sent out my SATs & my IQ test to many colleges..& 2 weeks later..i was accepted by Columbia U, fully expecting to become a Doctor specializing in DNAthen my father had his first heart attack & i did not go, but stayed around to help the family. He had an IQ level of 205 on Stanford-Binet scale as a teenager. lol geniusyou are obviously missing the point of Sues question, If you hold your breath, you wont get COVID-19, To not catch it just hold your breath forever and that will take care of that problem. thats not to say I think theyre stupid or idiots, just that I always did better on tests, was more mature, more reasonable and generally academically better but I dont think my IQ is that high but I think its definitely well above the average of 100-120, my IQ is about 17, I typed this with a crayon . And I do believe that the statement Everyone has their own opinions is truethats why we vote for presidents and thingsbut that is her belief and we have freedom of speech in America. Dude, knowledge is NOT the same as intelligence. Thanks. I have currently written 4 science fiction books and one on new age/spirituality/ channeling My interests include science, science fiction, Theosophy, trans personal psychology, trans-humanism, pantheism and googology. My style became very technical. If it relies on marketing or interacting with people, then SQ is the better measurement, assuming the conversation itself is not complex. How dare you to even talk about God and take God into consideration for your IQ tests. For example, if you were sick or fatigued the first time around, you might do a little better in a second test. Juan is known for taking complex research and technology and presenting it in an easily digestible form for education. its 131 not the number you said. IF you really are a genius according to an IQ test, I know what youre not a genius in. It is also hard to calculate IQ scores with high precision and accuracy in the infinitesimally small tail ends of the IQ distribution. However, experts assumed that 2. To my surprise i got an IQ of 234. It is hard when you have so few equals around the world. I cant imagine being a genius with IQ over 160their life must be lonely I dont even have that high IQ and I already feel lonely because I dont have mentally-equaled friends to talk about deep thoughts/feelings from dusk till dawn in real life. Next, enough neurological development has to occur in both the motor cortex as well as the muscles of the mouth and face and larynx in order to physically produce the sounds required for speech. Obviously you do not know what its like to be someone who has an unusually high IQ. Someone who was mature wouldnt care if people who obviously had reason to doubt what they wrote on the internet thought it was dumb. I was told that Einsteins was 160 because the measurement basically didnt go any higher. Oh I have this I.Q. lol absolute horse shit. I personally feel its not advantageous in a normal life setting to be too high above the average. they said kudos for 109 as it is close to or just under above average IQ, I was born on a dairy farm in 1946 and am an only child. He was awarded several prestigious math awards, including the Fields Medal in 2006. All done in his short 25 years. Honestly, youve achieved the same amount of awards that an average child with a genuine work ethic can achieve. It is strange that people assume a genius has all the answers when history has shown differently. At the time, Lewis was employed by the United States Army. A score between 110 and 119 would indicate a superior intelligence; a score between 120 and 140 would mean a very superior intelligence; a score over 140 would indicate genius or near genius. Though there are many claims of super-high IQs, documentation is hard to come by. My IQ was tested twice at 174, & my wifes at 172. ~330M) alone? I would be happy to hear your perfect speaking in Spanish and other languages of the world, you proud English Native Speaker Unfortunately, a big % of Natives, like you, seems to have too low IQ to understand speaking which is even 1promille different that speaking of Queen Elizabeth Not to mention that the most stupid, obvious mistakes in language ALWAYS come from so called Native Speakers, such proud to have perfect language. Fertility and intelligence IQ stands for intelligence quotient. I scored a simple 134. Emotional intelligence. Mensa, a member organization that restricts applicants based on their score, requires an IQ of 132 for entrance . He thought I should do more farm work. The IQ score of 160 to 190 is a range because Einstein never was officially tested. I was tested by my school psychologist and I have an IQ of 161, none of my friends have ever really compared, but someone at my school is apparently a genius and got a 33 or a 34 on the ACT, were in 7th grade, (I got a 29 so people think Im not as smart, but I just moved so I havent had the opportunity to take as many advanced classes and learn as much as him) so Id like to meet him and see how he actually measures up. If youre among the 2 percent with a higher score, youre an outlier. Who has the highest IQ ever recorded? Here's what we know Im almost certain that say, Caesar would be MUCH more of an assistance in battle compared to Hawking. A lack of empathetic ability can make a genius on paper look like the biggest dumbass on the planet. Retired now I was always an artist but now can be that full time. I have an IQ of 140, I talked and walked at 7 months (without help) and I started reading news papers and literature when I was only 4. While I appreciate your insights in the Highest Recorded IQ piece, some of your paragraphs are un-readable in English. Here's a detailed look at the correlation between intelligence and, Adult ADHD comes with challenges that can be a problem in the workplace or they can be the reason you succeed. Besides recent scientific research seems to indicate that the accuracy of any IQ test is questionable as there are so many areas of possible expertise. PS my keyboard is messed up sorry if some Ls or Ks are missing from words. All rights reserved. If I could afford to get more education I would, but am economically trapped and probably will remain so. Im a recent graduate of Mathematics (graduated last year), a writer, speaker and currently taking a course in Investment Banking. 11 years old and scholarship to University of Michigan?!?!? The number actually represents how your results compare to those of other people your age. When it comes right down to it, dont read into this single number as the definitive measure of your intelligence. I read two college textbooks on marine biology because I am interested in the material! Cooper always comes up with the most irrational (stupid) examples to justify himself, hence the humor; and this, as a fictional character holding a supposedly high IQ position at (what?) Nice Giveaway. Johann Goethe Johann Goethe was a German polymath who lived in the 1800s, and his estimated IQ score ranged from 210 to 225. Once you get an IQ score of 110 you begin to take note. I can be rather blunt at times. Maybe its a possibility that you can have an high IQ as well as dyslexia? I sacrificed a lot of things. That is not a ba ba its a bottle and kept it that way. (2010). Thinking of going back to school for Computer Science. I have never taken an IQ test on my own. Because I know! EVEN if your IQ is 160!!! people decline at the slowest rate. In general, rappers may better at dealing with others. If you suspect your child has a learning disability, getting them tested is the first step. I imagined to have such a genius to be romantic with (my dear ex husband is a charming but also a shallow, average IQ dude who doesnt like deep conversations), but Im also afraid that my own low intelligence level would bore them to death and make them hate me. Theyre designed to reflect a wide range of cognitive skills, such as reasoning, logic, and problem-solving. I fail in my marriage to my wife. I lost 25% of my IQ after a traumatic brain injury at age 31. To prove my point, buy ANY Asian manufactured and packaged product and read the Consumer Instruction Booklet. Their English is almost ALWAYS convoluted, and thus un-readable. One of the most intelligent brains ever known, that of Albert While higher IQs probably are impossible according to this math, the math of IQs is still something we dont fully understand. Ummm who else would be reading this, less than sure wouldnt find this page now would they??. If you have a high IQ score, your intelligence and potential for intelligence is above that of your peers. Sierra Leone emerges as the nation with the highest IQ in Africa. Most likely, this will help you increase your score by a few points on average. in mathematics. With those qualities, you can enhance your ability to: Reading, both fiction and nonfiction, is one way to boost your abilities in these areas. William James Sidis IQ was not clearly identified. The keys to learning tend to involve curiosity and being receptive to new information. No one in my immediate family has it but me. Mensa contacted me, several times, & invited me to the island but i did not go..i could not afford the dues. srsly tho, you TOTALLY were bragging. Well theres your problem. Yeah I think a lot of us research IQ mainly because weve been tested and have high IQs. From where you take this conviction that perfect speaking and writing in yours and ONLY YOURS language is a crown of the intelligence? Its not a test of knowledge, which represents what you learn through education or life experience. They both died in their mid 20s sadly The first being a researching harvard fellow by the name of Aaron Swartz. Perhaps, I should take into consideration why this comment was made, the probability of this comment being true, and how trustworthy people who have the chance of acting like someone else would be in this situation. Ok wow, I didnt think my comment would start a full-on war yeeeeezus christ I wrote this over a year ago and just came back to it when I searched my name on Google just to see what came up, and this was one of the first results. I can fix anything. It is hard for me to hold conversations with most people because they bore me with their banal assertions. Also for the kind personalities with low 100 IQs you are greater than you think because kindness is more valuable than youve been told. I am currently a Synthetic Biologist in Birmingham. There are geniuses in this family for 1400 years. For example, Algebra is analogous to learning a Second Language, more so than it is to (alphanumeric) mathematics, based upon how the brain manages it. I learnned how to speak when I was only one year old. There are many forms of intelligence. Their only contributions have been to inspire others to disprove their flights of fancy. Wilderness guide, Assistant to wifes Upholstery business and Pres of a Legion, and wife and I did suppers for the Legion community for five years from Oct to June. Marilyn vos Savant byBen Davidvia Flickr is licensed underCC BY-SA 2.0. I was the smartest child in grade school .I did not play sports or have very many friends and no girl friends. A few years ago facebook asked if i wanted to know my IQ and I said what the hell. Im going to start by saying that I dont think you cant increase your IQ. Possibly even more so. WebBearing these caveats in mind, it is generally believed that the highest IQ score ever recorded is that of William James Sidis, who is believed to have had an IQ of between 250 Im am not trying to make the point here that you are unintelligent, but having a vast vocabulary does not convey intelligence and in fact is not whatsoever related to the IQ test. Or they tend to promote the candidate with the degree/highest level of education. There are so many extra helps for those who have learning difficulties etc, but people like me fell through the cracks. If they did they were told not to. This means IQ= A person who creates what others can not believe. Now I am old. Bill, a small reminder that you are a United States American, not just an american. Though I am in only sixth grade, I started kindergarten at the age of 4 due to my ability to read. :))))). Just saying. Although all your problems are simple for me, I also have solved one-third of the planets problems although I am unimpressed and you will die because I will not share with the subspecies that cant think correctly about even the most basic things that matter. Im both intrigued and appalled by the level of narcissism on it. It was shown to be 117. What's the Highest IQ Ever Recorded? - Mental Floss If all you geniuses are so smart, why dont you find a cure for the covid-19 virus? According to your math, an IQ of 200 would be around 245 million 1. Credit: public domain / Wikimedia. Were both long-time engineers, & run our two corporations. None of the jobs were very successful and I was fired about five times and quit my job two times I took early retirement in 2005 after being fired for the last time. Whatever thats worth. I am intrigued to learn from this comment that supposedly an SAT score can be directly converted to IQ. I cannot explain this as and I certainly do not believe IQ equals intelligence. Source: Facebook. But lets even calculate with 7 (which represents about 1 in 390 billion, a number were not going to need anytime soon). Born in New York City in I can fix anything and figure out any problem, except life, but i think thats cause im surrounded by idiots who make all the rules and decisions. 100 is grocery bag boy retarded. I had to take it and I got a 161, so its perfectly possible that other people have done the same. Studies show it is possible to increase your IQ score (Credit: Scientific American), Keep in mind when working toward a higher IQ that intelligence comes in many different forms. It has nothing with how smart a person is. Here is a list of the top 10: 1. Died at the age of 26 in 2013. [Genius is the ability to comprehend reality significantly better than the average. Californian resident Christopher Michael Langan (1952) is best known for his Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe theory. No she is not. But with the right support and proper guidance, The glycemic index (GI) is a value used to measure how much a specific food increases your blood sugar levels. Flexing ones mathematical prowess (hint-hint) is itself a display of egocentrism, not of ultimate wisdom. There is genius everywhere, not only in the few who can follow the theory of everything (m). That doesnt mean they cant succeed. My iq score is 124. Because of how I felt that day, I think I got just a point or two lower than my true IQ, so I say Im around 140 (which is true anyways). They are painfully awkward at talking and dont understand simplistic human emotions. More websites should do so! But I have reached a high level in my career and run a large part of our business. Was einstein the smartest man in the world? I disbanded the organization after one-hundred days. Hi, Im 11 and I have an IQ of 156. Girl, 12, achieves maximum Mensa IQ test score - the Guardian If I could have chosen, Id rather choose the opposite. My mom worried that I was retarded so she took me to do an IQ test. Basically, a high IQ means your score is higher than that of most people in your peer group. [insert accomplishments and arrogance here] [insert social issues and here] The people with truly high IQs probably would not waste their time to comment. My reading interests and ability was high, and many feel were above the ability of many of the teachers. Those of you thinking you are a genius at eleven are fooled by the fact that they grade you on a curve based on the average elevn year old, you could be precocious (prematurely advanced) so that is no prediction that you will be smarter than the average 30yr old when you reach that age. He was born in Vernal Utah and raised in Warwick, Rhode Island where he schooled. As of writing this I am nearly twelve. Im currently dating one; some days they are fascinating and you can listen to them talk for hours but some days they are annoying as fuck because they constantly tell you they are smarter than you so they make you feel like shit. In 1952, Grade 8 , A comparison done between North Eastern USA.and Maritime Canada. I am eleven years old and learned to talk at age one and was a self-taught reader by age 2. Like you said, theres less people to relate to, and life is about relationships. Full on adult conversations. There are only 8 others like myself or above in the world alive today. Sierra Leone - IQ of 91 Sierra Leone's flag. Life is more complicated than that, involving many variables. To know your IQ, you take a standardized test in the presence of a trained professional. All people with high intelligence already knows this. I was in the top four that year. Evangelos Katsioulis is the founder of the World Intelligence Network (WIN), an international organization of high IQ societies. Those are boring, even if you understand everything in there. Lol, And another one whom actually thinks less than would find this page haha ur funny, My IQ is 183 to 190 and it all self tough from playing guitar keyboards. Competing with your friends may lose many of them. This Australian-American mathematician was born in 1975 in the Australian city of Adelaide. Yeah right, Though it could be jealousy contributing to the fact that someone wrote that comment, it is also a normal response to doubt things one has not encountered often. Not to mention, IQ scores dont stay the same. As for the actually supportive, kind people, thanks. IQ tests are tools to measure intellectual abilities and potential. I now understand how most people think, and it is very interesting, rewarding and relaxing. Idk how accurate you science is but my own experience tells me this is defi itely possible. Im 11 and i have an IQ of 10 damn im smart . So children do this, 15 minutes before a test, any test, drink down 2 to 3 glasses of chilled but not cold water. No one really, yknow, cares what a child of near-genius level is capable of. Iranian girl gets highest possible Mensa IQ I went to the u niversity of pennsylvania from 1974 to 1979 and earned a second MS in systems engineering. But my greatest strength is as an artist. Im 11 and my IQ is 225. Do we seriously think these people with 200+ ( am pretty sure they are from a DIFFERENT scale!) Its just one of many indicators and doesnt need to define who you are. Furthermore, dyslexia doesnt affect intelligence (my sibling got 120+). Would you like to guess why? For those reasons and more I am out. what are your sources for the listed IQ numbers? Not to mention distributing it to everyone, and essentially making millions. I have a fluid IQ of at least one burbot and a crystal IQ of at least two burbot. Learn about the 6 best types of jobs. but I went to the store and bought 2 by 4s nails etc and with the use of my dads old tools I inherited after his death, I went on my logic and put together rooms! Age 77, and miss my ability to calculate rapidly in my head on demand and other such nonsense. And yet, theyll gleefully pronounce non-native speakers unworthy of expressing themselves in English because they make mistakes. I was tested at my school about a week ago. Just like people talk of zodiac signs, likewisethey talk IQ. I work as a a software developer. He got 163 points, according to I will remember each of you and am glad you all came for me, the looks on your faces when I first got up you were cheering me on, you all waited for your turn and I was so perfectly amazing as always not one person here can say it was all worth it, the ride of a lifetime from start to finish it was the best trip and finished with you all having big smiles and happy you scored and I scored alot, more then anyone ever it was great! An IQ of 175 is 3.5 million to 1. I took a test at a temp agency in my late 40s for an elect tech position. WebMensa is the largest and oldest high-IQ society in the world. Authored by: TN Viral Desk IQ, Some believe that children with ADHD are smarter than those without the condition. So his IQ abilities transcend having infinitive IQ. Aside from a few awards though, I do not feel I have accomplished much and isnt that the real measure of intelligence? Most of these Gods have no idea of the Universe. Which country has the most IQ in Africa? She entered college when she was 12 and became a teacher at age 16. 36 People With The Highest IQs Ever: World's Smartest People Yall are pretty adorable, being all gullible and sucking up to every little letter these kids type. However, when I eventually decided to have a go at joining MENSA, I only just scraped in with an IQ about 135. not to mention michiganu isnt ivy league so its not that hard to get into.