She looks around the stage anxiously for a minute. First Chorus The left flank of the Greek armada ended with the twelve trim and fast ships, led byAjaxwhose birthplace isSalamis. Achilles The whole army is calling out for. They want me to. You saw the endless ships. 1260. You had come with me to Argos and stayed with me as my servant. In it I spoke of Achilles high rank, his bravery, his honour and told her that the man refused to sail with us unless one of our daughters became his wife and went to live at his house, in Phthia. materials crossword clue 9 letters. He managed to film a Greek tragedy to screen without losing its effectiveness and importance. Youd greet anyone and everyone, hoping with this behaviour to gain their approval and thus become their leader. Them and their pine sterns and their shiny bronze prows! On thy knees I hang, A suppliant wreath, this body, which she bore I cannot defy the goddess demands, my darling. I have a greater right to speak than he does! Iphigeneia She runs her fingers gently through her mothers hair. Lift your head up for me, darling, smile for me. Menelaos No, they can do nothing if you secretly send her back toArgos. Clytemnestra But why? Klytaimestra I know well that you are an old servant of my house. And, no, I will not murder my children and certainly wont do it so that you can wrongfully enjoy some sort of vengeance exacted from a disgraceful wife, while I waste away in tears day and night because I had committed such a godless crime against them, against my own flesh and blood. He embraces and then steps back to look at her sadly. This is desperate behaviour, my lord and it leaves no doubt to anyone who sees you, my lord, that youve gone mad! He gains control of the scroll. [1340] Open the tent-door to me, servants, that I may hide myself Clytemnestra Why seek to escape, my child? Old Man My lady, you know who I am and just how loyal Ive been to you and your children. If he doesn't go through with the sacrifice, the army will rise up, sacrifice her, and kill their entire family. Why should I, a faithful wife, endure the misery of having my daughter killed while she, a slut, gets to rejoice by having her daughter kept safely at home, in Sparta? Every one of them is just as unbearable! When I first thought you were going to be my son-in-law, I had high hopes vain hopes as it turned out but hopes nevertheless. Klytaimestra Ive come out here looking for my husband. Eumelus, Pheres grandson was the driver of the chariot who, with a goad in his hand, he urged on and shouted at his beautiful steeds whose reins were a work of wondrous design, wrought in lustrous gold. Youve raised me to be the shining light of Greece. And where will I be at the time? Soldiers who have been gathered together, away from the chores of their homes and are idle have malice and gossip ready at their tongue. Im not talking like this because Im missing out on this wedding. I have tried desperately to send Klytaimestra away from here but Ive failed. Full of joy and yet tears flow from your eyes 650. Let them all see which one should be sacrificed. Both of us, darling! Here! Help us! Agamemnon Holy Fate and Fortune! I beg you, father! They will speak badly of you if you do not help her. Achilles Ill be watching out for you. You have betrayed your own brother! The more I hold you in my arms the more the tears rush to my eyes. The choruses "Que d'attraits" and "Non, jamais, jamais aux regards" are full of grace. Well! Where shall I go to find your hand, to ask you to help me in my hour of despair? London: J.M. 730. Cry! Agamemnon Zeus. I I am shocked, my lady! First Chorus Theyre off to bring back Helen, Menelaos wife, whom Paris, the Trojan cowherd, abducted from her home inSparta, a city built by the reed-covered banks of the river, Eurotas. Are you here to add to the mountain of dread I have to endure already? In order to appease her and sail on to Troy, Agamemnon was forced to sacrifice his daughter, Iphigenia; the Chorus describes in detail her pitiful cries for mercy as her father's men cut her throat. Agamemnon Wife, we should consider ourselves very much blessed. Iphigeneia begins towards the tent but is stopped by her father. I wrap its limbs around your knees and beg you: Please father, do not cut off my life short. Your own father has slaughtered you with his own hand! Iphigenia in Aulis is the last extant work of the playwright Euripides. She is in there, crying and falling from one abyss of misery into another. Chorus That is the city of Perseus, youre calling to! But why girl? Why do I not call her a woman? Will she not be made Hades bride soon? Agamemnon The words I have written here, old man, are these: 119, Ledas daughter, Klytaimestra, Im sending you a second letter to replace the first. 86 Boston MFA 6.67. Klytaimestra Odysseus? Current location in this text. Chorus And they will surround the cityPergamum, all about its stone towers with murderous war-men wholl smash the heads of the Trojans, cut through their necks and tear their city down to its foundations. Achilles No, my lady, dont call your daughter out to see me. Here she is but Ill do the talking for both of us. He writes a few words, then scratches them out and begins again. Whats with this flushed face of yours? The news spread quickly and so the whole army already knows that your daughter has arrived. Your current position in the text is marked in blue. First Chorus And there I saw the two Ajaxes sitting together: Oeleus son and the son of Telemon, the crown ofSalamisand Protisilaos and Palamides, whose father is Poseidons son. Your fathers holy water is waiting for you! I no longer want to be your enemy. What a disgraceful behaviour! Please dont be offended now! You mean, the son of Sisyphus? 378. Tell me what is this secret thats worrying you so much. When is the wedding? Exit Achilles. In revenge for Agamemmnon killing one of her sacred stags, the goddess Artemis demands the sacrifice of his eldest daughter . Menelaos And what would that be? 1580. If the sons of Atreas practice honesty then I shall obey them but if they dont, rest assured, madam that Ill defy them. Holy Spirit of mine! The Greeks were then enabled to set sail. For a mere woman? Sadly, softly so that she wont hear him. MENELAOS (Agamemnons brother, King ofSparta), IPHIGENIA (Daughter of Agamemnon and Klytaimestra), ACHILLES (Chief of the Myrmidons, an army), SECOND CHORUS (Men and women ofArgos, attendants to Klytaimestra and Iphigeneia). 720. Are you still sleeping my baby? You say youre happy to see me but your face looks worried! No, dont bury your face inside your cloak! Agamemnon Nods, then looks around him. Iphigenia and Clytemnestra come to Aulis, and are received with acclamations by the Greeks. I always have! To stop me from coming here or to urge me to do so? Its true, my lady that there are times when it is more pleasant to avoid excessive wisdom and there are times when wisdom is helpful but I, madam, I was raised in the house of Chiron, a centaur who respected the simple ways, the honest ways. You, grandchild of Aeacus you, too Ledas daughter, stay! Your daughter, my lady, has today seen both death and life! Iphigeneia Will I go on my own or with mother? Looking over the baby. Such is "Iphigenia" (1977), by Greek director Mikhali (Michael) Cacoyannis, based on Euripedes' tragedy, "Iphigenia in Aulis." "Iphigenia" relates the story of an incident that took place just prior to the Trojan War. The whole of Greece is gathered here and they all want one thing: to go to the famous city of Troy and tear down her towers. Menelaos No, youre not! Iphigenia at Aulis Cast of Characters: Calchas, an augur Agamemnon, King of Argos Attendant, an old man Menelaus, brother to Agamemnon Clytemnestra, wife of Agamemnon Iphigenia, daughter to Clytemnestra and Agamemnon Achilles, a warrior Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt Messenger Chorus of Women of Chalcis Attendants to Clytemnestra Iphigeneia Stop! Happy to be at your sisters wedding. I know hes around here somewhere. I shall give it to her for the sake of Greece. Happy noises of incoming royal procession, including horses and chariot are heard within, Stage Left. Come out here and bring your little brother, Orestes with you. Iphigeneia Youve been so long here in the harbours ofAulis! Then you scratch away the seal and then you throw its pine frame onto the ground and then you begin to cry profusely! What pain should I mention first or second, or last? Abominable creature! Shell be his wife. No! Whos done you wrong and what is it that you want? I want my love for others to be moderate and my desires to be pure. Ill obey your every command. Achilles Yes, many and theyll be lead by Odysseus! I am going to go and speak with your husband. 890, Old Man He had sent me off to bring you a letter, madam about the first message. Oh, your poor cheeks, your poor beautiful, golden hair, your youthful breasts! Chorus And their call to the Nereid was loud and clear: 1061. Iphigeneia Dont leave home, daddy. Now let go of my letter! Klytaimestra bursts into tears. I acted like a stupid child before but now I thought more deeply about what its really like to kill your own children. 870. 250. It has burdened me with lack of sleep and with overactive eyes. I do but you dont! Chiron, they cried out, Chiron who knows well the meaning of Apollos words, foretells that youll give Thessaly a son, a boy wholl be its brightest light. Agamemnon He lives in Phthia, by the river Apidanus. Some of you stand by at the front of the horses to quieten them. 1080. This masterful play is masterfully adapted for the screen and brought to life by a wonderful cast. Attic tragedies were performed in Athens about the 5th century BC. Chorus That is, if what they say about you being Ledas daughter is true. Calchas will find out for me what it is the goddess will be satisfied with though, I know, it will be something which will bring me misery and a great deal of hard suffering for the rest of Greece. 260. Agamemnon And when you come across some fork in the road, check it carefully. Iphigeneia hugs her mother. It seems that the generals do as they please with me. I have my army, the famous Myrmidons, wasting their time hanging about the quiet waters ofEpirus, getting angrier and more impatient by the minute. I need to tell you things that our daughter should not hear. If only I could! Pleas or no pleas the result will be the same with me because I have only one thing in mind, now: to save you both from this disaster! All these troubles he has caused! He is afraid of his own soldiers. Achilles Who? Agamemnon Where, darling? Last Updated on July 14, 2022, by eNotes Editorial. Other men may have different views but let me give you my own. 751. Come, my darling daughter, come, Iphigeneia, come and stand near me. Leave! Should you not be expecting a poisonous welcome since youre departing like a snake? Why where do they say the Phrygians live, father? Klytaimestra Oh, Gods! Because youre trying to save my girl? IPHIGENIA: Had I, my father, the persuasive voice Of Orpheus, and his skill to charm the rocks To follow me, and soothe whome'er I please With winning words, I would make trial of it; But I have nothing to present thee now Save tears, my only eloquence; and those I can present thee. Menelaos First, look at me in the eye and then Ill tell you! Iphigenia at Aulis seems to have been constructed in a society in which it was ideal to put nation and family ahead of oneself. If I must then I shall wash away her oracle with my blood, with my sacrifice upon her altar. Achilles Then listen to me carefully, madam so that well achieve our aim. 1290. Come on, Orestes, even babies know when theres trouble around! But, no, instead of that, I have brought her to her slaughter! Well, Helen, unfortunately, old man, chose Menelaos! Chorus What joyful news that messenger has brought you, my lady! Clytemnestra hears that Achilles is faithless, whereupon she at once urges Iphigenia to leave Aulis and return home. Reg. Menelaos Not if he dies first. 1000. Do you think Im some slave of yours? Menelaos Yes, but an unstable mind is an evil thing, something which befuddles the minds of ones friends. Klytaimestra And the feast for us women? I wrote a letter to my wife, Klytaimestra. Horrible Fate, what a dreadful yoke youve locked me into! Klytaimestra who was married to whom? The single men have left their houses empty and uncared for and the married ones have left their wives and children behind. Chiron, the wise teacher, was entrusted by a wiser parent! For a moment a great deal of shouting by men is heard behind the curtains. An introduction to a classic play. Its covered with a cloak. Look at him for the last time. Chorus Awesome is the power of giving birth! London: J.M. An XML version of this text is available for download, For a while, Iphigenia in Splott (a district of Cardiff about 20 minutes' walk from the the theatre) seems like a pretty normal contemporary monologue. A member of the chorus rushes into the tent. Its not Menelaos whos in control here, Iphigeneia. That will be very easy to accomplish. Agamemnon Very soon. Mahathma Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital > Blog Classic > Uncategorized > iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me. Open Document. Youve murdered Tantalus, my first husband and with even more brutal violence, youve torn my baby from my breast and dashed it hard against the ground! 660. 80. Pronunciation of iphigenia in aulis with 1 audio pronunciations. He has abandoned me to deal with this dreadful calamity all on my own! Over the centuries other hands have contributed to the text we now have but even so for the most part it shows Euripides at his finest. Id rather live a life full of misery than die a heros death! Another, Pallas, was proud of her war spear and the third, Hera, proud of the fact that she shared her bed with Lord Zeus. Believe me, madam: Agamemnon will not slaughter her! First Chorus Mortals vary in body as well as in mind but true virtue, which comes from a good upbringing and a good education, always stands out. What demon has taken possession of his mind? Tell him not to kill his daughter. And the gods will see to that, whether you like it or not. The whole world loves to talk about the famous and to see them in their flesh.