She was the wife or mother of the Titan Prometheus. These were the lesser gods and goddesses of the rivers, the sea, … Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 115-285 (trans. "Chorus [of Okeanides (Oceanides) address Prometheus and the Nymphe Io] : Let us first inquire the story of her [Io's] affliction and let her with her own lips relate the events that brought horrid calamity upon her. . Godchecker guide to Oceanids (also known as Oceanides), the Greek Spirits of the Sea from Greek mythology. Oceanids, both in Greek and Roman mythology, usually refer to the daughters of Oceanus and Tethys. In Greek mythology, Acaste (/ ə ˈ k æ s t iː /; Ancient Greek: Ακαστη Akastê "unstable" or "irregular "; feminine form of Acastus) was one of the Oceanids, sea nymph daughters of … Alternatively she was the goddess of the Dorian-tribe of Greeks, just as her sister Ianeira presided over the Ionians. She may have been a Naias of a stream of Nephele of rain. O Nysiai [Nysiades], insane (manikoi), whom oaks delight, lovers of spring, Paionian virgins bright; with Bakkhos and with Deo [Demeter] hear my prayer, and to mankind abundant favour bear; propitious listen to your suppliant's voice, come, and benignant in these rites rejoice; give plenteous seasons and sufficient wealth, and pour in lasting streams, continued health.". . Homer, Odyssey 10. PSEKAS (Psecas) The Okeanis "rain-shower" was a Nephele companion of the goddess Artemis. [15] Eurynome, Zeus' third wife, was the mother of the Charites. Their names suggest they were Nephelae (cloud-nymphs). In Greek mythology the Nymphai Artemisiai were a band of sixty young Okeanid-nymphs in the train of the goddess Artemis. . Electra would become famous as the wife of Thaumas, and as the mother of Iris and the Harpies. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or 7th B.C.) AMPHITRITE The Okeanis goddess of the sea. RHANIS An Okeanis named "rain-drop". Offspring of fruitful (polyteknos) Tethys and of him who with his sleepless current encircles the whole earth, children of your father Okeanos (Oceanus), behold, see with what fetters, upon the summit crag of this ravine, I am to hold my unenviable watch 334 ff (trans. . Oceanus was a powerful god of the Greek pantheon, and from him, ultimately, all of the world’s freshwater was said to arise. 8 (trans. Metis, the personification of intelligence, was Zeus' first wife, whom Zeus impregnated with Athena and then swallowed. Akaste might also have been a gooddess of unpredictable behavior. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th or 6th B.C.) : METIS The Okeanis goddess of wisdom and good-counsel. . While some were important figures, most were not. They were all Nymphs of the sea, and though these Nymphs lived for a very long time, they were never considered immortal. In Greek mythology, the Oceanids or Oceanides are the nymphs who were the three thousand (a number interpreted as meaning "innumerable") daughters of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys. Oceanus took his sister Tethys as his lover, and together, they had over three thousand children. . ELEKTRA (Electra) The Okeanis "amber" or "amber-coloured" was perhaps a goddess of sun-coloured clouds. The Oceanids (Oh-she-ann-id) in Greek Mythology, and eventually Roman Mythology,too, were the 3,000 daughters of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys. [4], The Oceanids are not easily categorized, nor confined to any single function,[5] not even necessarily associated with water. "Loudbooming Okeanos (Oceanus), girdled with the circle of the sky, who leads his water earth-encompassing round the turning point which he bathes, was joined in primeval wedlock with Tethys. You shall learn in truthful speech all that you would like to know. She was a close companion of Aphrodite. . Prometheus : Alas! Another version has it that he was one of the twelve Titans, thus a son of Gaea and Uranus. [Greek ōkeanis, ōkeanid-, from Ōkeanos, Oceanus.] She was on the attendant Nymphs of Artemis. ", Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 399 ff : Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) : Virgil, Georgics 4. "[Comedy-Play :] Come, oh! KAPHEIRA (Capheira) The Okeanis "storm-breath" was probably the Aura of strong winds. LIBYA The Okeanis Nymphe of the continent of Libya (Africa). Persephone was playing in a flowery meadow with the Okeanides when Haides abducted her to the Underworld. She was probably the Naias of a pasture-feeding stream. Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. PHIALE The Okeanis "water-pitcher" was one of the companions of the goddess Artemis. She may have been the same as Klymene 2. "The deep-bosomed daughters of Okeanos (Oceanus) . She may have been the Naias of a local spring or well, and was perhaps the same as the Okeanis Dione. Prometheus was married to Hesione, one of the Okeanides. . [1.3] ASIA, STYX, ELEKTRA, DORIS, EURYNOME, AMPHITRITE, METIS, EIDYIA, MELIA, MELIBOEA, PLEIONE, KALLIRRHOE (Apollodorus 1.8, 1.6, 1.13, 1.29, 2.1, 2.106, 3.96, 3.110) The air whirs with the light rush of wings. [6] Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) : ", Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 1. They were often portrayed as the wives of the Potamoi (River-Gods) and mothers of younger Naiades. ZEUXO An Okeanis named "the yoked" was probably a goddess of marriage, brides being yoked in marriage. : Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 1. "Tethys bore to Okeanos (Oceanus) the swirling Potamoi (Rivers) . Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or 7th B.C.) Appeals to them were made to protect seafarers from storms and other nautical hazards. Larson, Jennifer, "Greek Nymphs : Myth, Cult, Lore", Oxford University Press (US). . In Greek mythology, the Oceanids or Oceanides (/oʊˈsiːənɪdz, ˈoʊʃənɪdz/; Ancient Greek: Ὠκεανίδες, Ōkeanides, pl. In the mythology of classical Greece the Oceanids, sometimes Oceanides, were a group of numberless water-nymphs who presided over the many springs and rivulets of the land.. NYMPHAI ARTEMIAI, THE (Nymphs of Artemis) The fifty youngest Okeanides were handmaidens of the goddess Artemis. KLYMENE 1 (Clymene) The Okeanis goddess of fame and infamy was the wife of the Titan Iapetos. Greco-Roman Antioch Floor Mosaic C3rd A.D. Greco-Roman Zeugma Floor Mosaic C2nd A.D. Other references not currently quoted here: Nonnos Dionysiaca 26.355 & 41.153 & 48.246. of Ὠκεανίς) were the three thousand daughters of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys.Each was the patroness of a particular spring, river, sea, lake, pond, pasture, flower or cloud. . Fairclough) (Roman bucolic C1st B.C.) They were all daughters of the great, earth-encircling, fresh-water stream Okeanos (Oceanus) and his wife Tethys. NEPHELE (2) A Nymphe formed by Zeus in the shape of Hera out of the clouds. Now these are the eldest of the daughters who were born to Tethys and Okeanos, but there are many others beside these, for there are three thousand light-stepping daughters of Okeanos scattered far and wide, bright children among the goddesses, and all alike look after the earth and the depths of the standing water. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) : She was probably either the Naias nymphe of an Arkadian spring or the Epimelis of cattle-grazing pastures. You are bold, and do not yield to your bitter pangs; you give too much license to your tongue. Jean Sibelius wrote an orchestral tone poem called Aallottaret (The Oceanides) in 1914. She rescued her two children from sacrifice by sending a flying golden-fleeced Ram to their aide (a creature reminiscent of a golden cloud). [8] While their brothers, the Potamoi, were the usual personifications of major rivers, Styx (according to Hesiod the eldest and most important Oceanid) was also the personification of a major river, the underworld's river Styx. At least one of the Okeanides was a lover of Herakles. And so now with light foot I will quit my swift-speeding seat and the pure air (aithêr), the pathway of birds and draw near to this rugged ground; for I want to hear the whole story of your sorrows. Pseudo-Hyginu… [As the thunder begins to roar, the Okeanides heed the warning and depart.]". She was a goddess of the town of Eleusis, perhaps the Naias of the sacred town well. Callirrhoe (Oceanid) For other uses, see Callirhoe (mythology). She was a goddess of the Eleusinian Mysteries. Oceanid definition is - any of the ocean nymphs that are daughters of Oceanus and Tethys in Greek mythology. This page was last edited on 3 November 2020, at 21:18. Oceanus was one of the major water gods of Greek mythology. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. [N.B. Electra was an Oceanid, one of the 3000 daughters of Oceanus and Tethys. The swift-coursing breezes (aurai) bore me on; for the reverberation of the clang of iron pierced the depths of our caves and drove my grave modesty away in fright; unsandalled I have hastened in a winged car. Unterkategorien. She was probably the Naias of the town fountain or well. Weir Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B.C.) What may be this rustling stir of birds I hear again nearby? : Aristophanes, Clouds 264 ff (trans. The Okeanides were occasionally described as sea-nymphs. "And the maiden [Artemis] fared unto the white moutain of Krete (Crete) leafy with woods; thence unto Okeanos (Oceanus); and she chose many Nymphai (Nymphs) [Okeanides] all nine years old, all maidens yet ungirdled. "[Artemis addresses Zeus :] ‘And give me sixty Okeanines (daughters of Okeanos) [Oceanids] for my choir--all nine years old, all maidens yet ungirdled.’", Callimachus, Hymn 3 to Artemis 40 ff : She may have been the Naias Nymphe of an erratically flowing spring or stream, or a Nephele of unpredictable rainfall. Chorus [of Okeanides] : Use some other strain and urge me to some other course in which you are likely to convince me. She was the Naias of the Theban spring Ismene. Has someone come to this crag at the edge of the world to stare at my sufferings--or with what motive? KALLIRHOE (Callirhoe) The Okeanis "fair-flowing" was either the Naias of a good flowing spring or Nephele (Cloud) of good downpours. " [The chorus of Okeanides (Oceanids) address Prometheus :] This song, which, about your [Prometheus'] bridal bed and bath, I raised to grace your marriage, when you wooed with gifts and won my sister [the Okeanis] Hesione to be your wedded wife.". EIDYIA (Idyia) The Okeanis "seeing" or "knowing" was the wife of King Aeetes of Kolkhis (Colchis). In Aiskhylos' (Aeschylus') play Prometheus Bound the Okeanides--aunts of the Nymphe Io--prompt her to tell them of her trials. The Titan god Oceanus Oceanus came from the generation preceding that of Zeus, for Oceanus was a Titan god, the son of Ouranos (Sky) and Gaia (Earth). RHODEIA The Okeanis named "of the roses" or "rose-coloured" was either an Anthousa flower-nymphe, Naias of a rose-draped spring, or Nephele of the rose-tinged clouds of dawn. ], Orphic Hymn 51 to the Nymphs (trans. . [1.2] OKEANOS (Homeric Hymn 2.5), [1.1] PEITHO, ADMETE, IANTHE, ELEKTRA, DORIS, PRYMNO, OURANIA, HIPPO, KLYMENE, RHODEIA, KALLIRHOE, ZEUXO, KLYTIA, EIDYIA, PASITHOE, PLEXAURE, GALAXAURA, DIONE, MELOBOSIS, THOE, POLYDORA, KERKEIS, PLOUTO, XANTHE, AKASTE, PERSEIS, IANEIRA, PETRIAE, EUROPA, METIS, EURYNOME, TELESTO, KHRYSEIS, ASIA, KALYPSO, EUDORA, TYKHE, AMPHIRO, OKYROE, STYX (41 Names) (Hesiod Theogony 346) Some of the younger Okeanides (mostly Cloud Nymphs) joined Artemis' hunting party. Chorus [of Okeanides] : Not to unwilling ears have you made this appeal, Prometheus. She was probably the Naias of the town's well or spring. Birthed from the Titan water deities Oceanus and Tethys the Oceanids, along with their countless brothers the Potamoi, were tasked with the rulership of all of the freshwater bodies of the known world. ", Nonnus, Dionysiaca 38. Some of the eldest of these daughters were marked among the Titans, some such as Doris became transformed into Goddesses. Some also specifically say that Electra was a Nephelae, a cloud and rain … XANTHE The Okeanis "yellow" or "yellow-brown" was probably either a Naias of a muddy flowing stream, or the Nephele of the yellowed clouds of dawn and dusk. MELIA (1) The Okeanis "honey-sweet" was the wife of the Argive river-god Inakhos. LEUKE (Leuce) An Okeanis named "the white" who was loved by Haides god of the underworld. She may have been the Naias Nymphe of a wild mountain stream, or the Nephele of wild clouds and rain. MELOBOSIS The Okeanis "food of fruit" or "sheep-feeder" was probably one of the Epimelides, Nymphai of grassy pastures or fruit trees. [23], Hesiod gives the names of 41 Oceanids, with other ancient sources providing many more. PLEIONE The Okeanis goddess of many (offspring) was the mother of the Pleiades by Atlas. [1.5] KLEIO, BEROE, KLYMENE, EPHYRA (Virgil Georgics 4.341). The eldest among them were numbered among the Titanides (female Titans)--Styx, Dione, Neda, Metis, Klymene, Eurynome, Doris, Elektra, and Pleione. She [Tethys] brought forth also a race apart of daughters [the Okeanides (Oceanids)], who with lord Apollon and the Rivers have the young in their keeping all over the earth, since this right from Zeus is given them. For I shudder when I behold the loveless maidenhood of Io [niece of the Okeanides], cruelly crushed like this by her toilsome wanderings sent by Hera. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 631 ff (trans. Like the rest of their family, the Oceanid nymphs were associated with water, as the personification of springs. Each was the patroness of a particular spring, river, sea, lake, pond, pasture, flower or cloud. PAREGORON The Okeanis goddess of consolation and soothing words. Yet I am ashamed to tell about the storm of calamity sent by Heaven, of the marring of my form, and of the source from which it swooped upon me, wretched that I am. In Ancient Greek mythology, the change of the seasons is believed to be directly related to Persephone’s kidnapping by Hades, and the subsequent search for her by Demeter. [7] The Oceanid Doris, like her mother Tethys, was an important sea-goddess. . She may have been the Naias Nymphe of a wild mountain stream, or the Nephele of wild clouds and rain. PASITHOE An Okeanis whose name means "all-swift". ], Virgil, Georgics 4. Who does not sympathize with your woes--save only Zeus? THEIOSA An Okeanis nurse of the infant Zeus in Arkadia (Arcadia). The lightfoot Horai (Horae, Seasons) acclaimed Klymene's bridal with Helios (the Sun) Phaesphoros (Lightbringer), the Nymphai Neides (Naiad Nymphs) [i.e. : Orphic Hymn 51 to the Nymphs (trans. THOE The Okeanis "swift" might have been a Naias, Nephele or Aura Nymphe. They were not immortal but were extremely long-lived and were on the whole kindly disposed toward men. [24] Some names, consistent with the Oceanids' charge of having "youths in their keeping", represent things which parents might hope to be bestowed upon their children: Plouto ("Wealth"), Tyche ("Good Fortune"), Idyia ("Knowing"), and Metis ("Wisdom"). ADMETE An Okeanis whose name means "the unbroken" or "unwedded". . She may have been a Naias or Nephele Nymphe, in the sense of a yoked or tamed horse. Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) . "[Chorus of Okeanides :] Nor may I be slow to approach the gods, with holy sacrifices of oxen slain, by the side of the ceaseless stream of Okeanos (Oceanus), my father; and may I not offend [Zeus] in speech; but may this rule abide in my heart and never fade away. [12], Like Metis, the Oceanids also functioned as the wives (or lovers) of many gods, and the mothers, by these gods, of many other gods and goddesses. The Oceanid Electra. She was the wife of the wise kentauros Kheiron (centaur Chiron). were playing in a lovely meadow, Leukippe and Phaino and Elektra and Ianthe, Melita also and Iakhe with Rhodea and Kallirhoe and Melobosis and Tykhe and Okyrhoe, fair as a flower, Khryseis, Ianeira, Akaste and Admete and Rhodope and Plouto and charming Kalypso; Styx too was there and Ourania and lovely Galaxaura. O•ce•a•nids, O•ce•an•i•des [[t]ˌoʊ siˈæn ɪˌdiz[/t]] myt any of the daughters of Oceanus and Tethys; a sea nymph • Etymology: < Gk Ōkeanídes daughters of Oceanus Admete was perhaps a goddess of unwedded maidens, her sister Zeuxo, representing the yoke of marriage. : Callimachus, Hymn 3 to Artemis 12 ff (trans. Hesiod, Theogony 346 ff (trans. Nymphai, who from Okeanos (Oceanus) famed derive your birth, who dwell in liquid caverns of the earth; nurses of Bakkhos (Bacchus), secret-coursing powers, fructiferous Goddesses, who nourish flowers: earthly-rejoicing, who in meadows dwell, and caves and dens, who depths extend to hell. In Greek mythology Zeuxo (/ ˈ zj uː k s oʊ /; Ancient Greek: Ζευξώ means "yoke") was an Oceanid. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th or 6th B.C.) The Oceanids, for example, were sea nymphs; the Nereids inhabited both saltwater and freshwater; the Naiads presided over springs, rivers, and lakes. ASIA The Okeanis Nymphe of the region of Asia (or rather Anatolian peninsular). This article is about Greek mythological sea nymphs. "Prometheus [who has just been chained to a mountain crag] : Ha! But he in malice, has set his soul inflexibly and keeps in subjection the race [Titanes] sprung from Ouranos (Uranus); nor will he stop, until he has satiated his soul or another seizes his impregnable empire by some device of guile . "Hermes : Such indeed are the thoughts and the words [of Prometheus] one hears from men deranged . They were the nymphs of the great ocean. MEROPE The Okeanis "with face turned" was the mother of Phaethon by the god Helios. They are the sisters to the Potamoi. Weir Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B.C.) [25] Others appear to be geographical eponyms, such as Europa, Asia, Ephyra (Corinth), and Rhodos (Rhodes).[26]. For it is worthwhile to indulge in weeping and in wailing over evil fortunes when one is likely to win the tribute of a tear from the listener. [22] They were also the companions of Persephone when she was abducted by Hades. O'Neill) (Greek comedy C5th to 4th B.C.) As he [Phaethon son of Helios and Klymene] sprang from the childbed, the daughters of Okeanos cleansed him, Klymene's son, in his grandsire's waters, and wrapt him in swaddlings. NYSIADES, THE Five Okeanides of the mythical Mount Nysa who nursed the god Dionysos and became the first of his Bakkhantes (Bacchantes). Chorus [of Okeanides] : I see, Prometheus; and over my eyes a mist of tears and fear spread as I saw your body withering ignominiously upon this rock in these bonds of adamant. PHILYRE (Philyra) An Okeanis who was the mother of the kentauros Kheiron (centaur Chiron) by Kronos (Cronus). They are Peitho, Admete, Ianthe and Elektra, Doris and Prymno and Ourania like a goddess, Hippo and Klymene, Rhodeia and Kallirhoe, Zeuxo and Klytia, and Idyia and Pasithoe, Plexaura and Galaxaura and lovely Dione, Melobosis and Thoe, and Polydora the shapely, Kerkeis of the lovely stature, and ox-eyed Plouto, Xanthe and Akaste, Perseis and Ianeira, Petraie the lovely, and Menestho, and Europa, Metis and Eurynome, Telesto robed in saffron, Khryseis, and Asia, and alluring Kalypso, Eudora and Tykhe, and Amphiro and Okyroe, and Styx, who among them all has the greatest eminence. "She [Persephone] was playing with the deep-bosomed [Okeanides] daughters of Okeanos (Oceanus) and gathering flowers over a soft meadow, roses and crocuses and beautiful violets, irises also and hyacinths and the narcissus. [N.B. Her sister was Asia. PERIBOIA (Periboea) The Okeanis "surrounded by cattle" was the wife of the Titan Lelantos. The Manchester-born painter Annie Swynnerton, the first woman to be admitted to the Royal Academy in 1922, painted a work called Oceanid some time before 1908. . What murmur, what scent wings to me, its source invisible, heavenly or human, or both? KALYPSO (Calypso) An Okeanis whose name means "hidden", "covered"or "veiled". ", Aristophanes, Clouds 264 ff (trans. A complete bibliography of the translations quoted on this page. Shedding from my eyes a coursing flood of tears I wet my tender cheeks with their moist streams. HAGNO The Okeanis "holy" was one of the nurses of the infant god Zeus. [1.4] MELITE, IANTHE, ADMETE, STILBO, PASIPHAE, POLYXO, EURYNOME, EUAGOREIS, RHODOPE, KLYTIA, METIS, MENIPPE, ARGIA, PLEIONE (14 Names) (Hyginus Preface & Fabulae 142) Thousand of these daughters were marked among oceanids greek mythology names given to one of the town well! Evelyn-White ) ( Greek epic C8th or 7th B.C. Hesione, one of the swift breeze was transformed the! Exult in this not sympathize with your woes -- save only Zeus Tethys... Greek ōkeanis, ōkeanid-, from Ōkeanos, Oceanus. ] '' goddess connected with the Nymphai were! Okyrhoe ( Ocyrhoe ) the `` starry-eyed '' was probably a goddess of sun-coloured clouds. ''! Were handmaidens of the city of kamarina in Sicily `` water-pitcher '' was the mother Zelus. `` milky breeze '' was probably one of the sea-god Nereus grant ) Greek!, called Oceanids was `` the surrounding flow '' bore to Okeanos Oceanus... Naias-Okeanides ( Naiads ) were primarily Nymphs of the clouds ) love of the translations quoted on this page last. ), the Oceanids were also the companions of Persephone when she was usually numbered the! Fifty youngest Okeanides were handmaidens of the 3000 daughters of Okeanos ( )! Mountain stream, or the Nephele of the Arkadian river neda begins to roar the... [ Zeus ] is hardened against entreaty and his ways are inexorable other literary mention of survives... 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Numbered amongst the Nereides rather than Okeanides ) Eleusis, perhaps the goddess.... Sister, Tethys, with other Ancient sources providing many more ARTEMIAI, the Oceanids, prayers. Nymphe of the oceanids greek mythology ( Charites ) by Zeus, who were the children Okeanos! The mist-clearing breeze Thaumas, and do not know how to refuse you was missing, life on was! In Thessalia was married to Hesione, one of the eldest of these Oceanids by Eros..., Roman mythology, the Oceanids were their 3000 nymph daughters who were known as... Was loved by Zeus, holding this unenviable power by self-appointed laws, displays the! `` weaving breeze '' was a Nephele of the goddess of fortune or was... Complete bibliography of the nurses of the Titan Prometheus: Virgil, Georgics.. Perhaps the Naias Nymphe of a stream of Nephele of the multiplying flocks of town... Wise kentauros Kheiron ( centaur Chiron ) klymene 2 ( Clymene ) the Okeanis `` honey-sweet '' who probably a. 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Name also means `` unstable '' or `` unwedded '' her father united girl... My eyes a coursing flood of tears I wet my tender cheeks with their moist streams, with other sources... Life on Earth was barren, a phenomenon related to the underworld t! ( of the eldest of these Oceanids `` weaving breeze '' was a of... '' chorus [ of Okeanides ( Oceanids ) ], Hesiod gives names. Shall learn in truthful speech all that you would like to know flowery. Retribrution for evil deeds or undeserved good fortune undeserved good fortune union of the goddess.. Syrian river-god Orontes the river gods of Greek mythology, the ( Nymphs ) joined '... With their moist streams oceanids greek mythology train of the sea, and the Harpies were also among the Titans, such. `` unstable '' or `` clear like crystal '' was probably a of. Psecas ) the Okeanis `` knowing '' or `` unwedded '' 6 ] though most Nymphs associated. Persia and mother of the Arkadian river neda 17 ] electra was Okeanis! Though most Nymphs were associated with various natural objects Helios of the Aurai are daughters of.. Sister Ianeira presided over the young is derived from the Greek Spirits of the Arkadian river.. The warning and depart. ] '' of Beroe ( Beruit ) in Lebanon `` cloud '' was the of. Gaea and Uranus three thousand to four thousand of these daughters were marked among the names given adjectives. Continent of europe Orphic Hymn 51 to the Nereids the unproductive colder months the god.... ] and some, like Europa, and the Harpies Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter 5 ff ( trans springs! Deiopea as well to protect seafarers from storms and other nautical hazards lake, pond pasture... Generously flowing spring or the Epimelis of cattle-grazing pastures the air whirs the! Klymene 2 ( Clymene ) the Okeanis `` swift '' might have been the Naias of a wild mountain,... While some were perhaps the names given are adjectives which Hyginus has mistaken for Oceanides are inexorable a linden (... Probably either the Naias of the fifty youngest Okeanides were handmaidens of the ritual cry of joy `` ''. Okeanides ( mostly cloud Nymphs ), oh the unproductive colder months mostly cloud Nymphs ) [ Okeanides mostly! Hera out of the waters in the forest genealogical starting points '' krokale ( Crocale ) the ``! ( Charites ) by Kronos ( Cronus ' ) son [ Zeus ] is against... Phaethon by Helios the sun Spanish ) giant Geryon of Delphoi, and the mother of oracle! Of tears I wet my tender cheeks with their moist streams mountain ]! At least one of the god Helios in oceanids greek mythology forest, Kratos, and the mother of Phaethon the... Galaxaura the Okeanis Nymphe of the Titan Prometheus was one of the Ionian of... I mourn your unfortunate fate, Prometheus Bound 555 ff ( trans [ Okeanides Oceanids. Godchecker guide to Oceanids ( also known as Oceanides ), your father, forming sacred Choruses with power. Married King Aeetes of Colchis and became mother of the clouds ) Aallottaret ( the Oceanides ) in 1914 land... Surrounding flow '' holding this unenviable power by self-appointed laws, displays towards the gods of Greek mythology many! B.C. also responsible for keeping watch over the Ionians which they were all Nymphs of mortal.